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About 1953P25

  • Birthday 10/19/1965

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  • Interests
    fishing. playing the bass guitar. going to the mountains. working on my truck.
  • My Project Cars
    1953 dodge ,b4b, with a p25 motor

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  • Biography
    i am 49 years old and love my truck
  • Occupation
    copier tech

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  1. I do have a drum puller. I used a sledge hammer as well as a breaker bar and socked set. I have been trying to bang it back in but no luck. jeeps. great I like jeeps. I am not sure what a perch is but I will find out. Are the wheel spacers so the tire does not rub against the frame?
  2. I have a 53 b4b with original brakes. I have removed all drum except the rear left. it looks like the drum has not come out strait and is now stuck. it has come out maybe half an inch. any ideas on how I can remove this drum? is there a rear axle that will fit this truck with disc brakes that I don't need to modify or weld? anything will help.
  3. nice information. I will look into those options also. I went to Hollywood hot rod they wanted 12k to put in disc brakes and suspension. I like the knowledge within this family .
  4. I am working on my brakes. I was able to remove and rebuilt the front brakes. I have found one of my front drums lug nuts are different sizes and welded on. I found a new drum but not the lugs. as for the rears. I cannot seem to remove the drum. I have removed the screw on the end of the shaft but the drum will still not come off. I read the manual I have. it says there is a screw I have to remove but it does not say where it is. I have a 1953 b4b.
  5. do you make interiors ? head liner as well as sets?
  6. very cool. I will place my order soon.
  7. what motor do you have? look at the drivers side of the motor . towards the front will be a number. if it starts with a t its a truck motor. mine is a p25. that's how I found out its from a Plymouth. same motor just for a car. of course the previous owner put parts for a t not a p.
  8. I have a p25 motor in my 53 b4b. it has a plastic fuel filter. does anyone know where I can get an original fuel filter for this motor. I found the fuel pump. but all the filters I have found are either plastic or the metal tube type.
  9. Dan, pflaming is right on the money. That being said. you are in an excellent site for information. ebay and Roberts motor parts are a good start.
  10. does the frame have springs? do you have pics?
  11. the pix is in my media. I have to take better pics.
  12. i do have pics . where do I post them for you to look at. every thing is gone. I have removed the sets that are there to see what condition its in. the bucket sets are held on with 2x4s. crazy
  13. I have a 1953 b3b,b4b. it has a nasty Toyota bucket seast that I cringe when I look at . does anyone know where I can get a bench seat for this truck or what bench seat will fit?
  14. thank you.
  15. what do I use to clean my air filter. I have heard mixing diesel fuel and kerosene then fallow up with gasoline works well. it does not sound safe to me.
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