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  1. Dave72dt's post in 1946 Chrysler Windsor running issues was marked as the answer   
    Ignition cutting out or maybe some water in the gas.  Point gap, points bouncing, condenser going bad.
  2. Dave72dt's post in What is this ignition part? was marked as the answer   
    I would suggest it's a radio static suppression unit
  3. Dave72dt's post in Paint for 1953 Fargo was marked as the answer   
    You best bet is taking the truck or a color sanded and buffed section of the truck to a paint supplier or body shop that has a color camera for paint and can then mix a amount for you if they haven't switched to waterborne paint only.  Toners used to mix your color are no longer available and as Tim said, time does have an affect so unless the mixer is really good a close match is all you'll get.  With more and more body shops switching to waterborne it's going to get even more difficult for the DIYer.
  4. Dave72dt's post in 48 b1c door seal installation was marked as the answer   
    That's the correct direction.
  5. Dave72dt's post in S10 to Pilothouse bolt on frame swap kit was marked as the answer   
    Anytime I see a frame swap kit, suspension swap kit or similar, I would really like to take a look at the instructions to determine the extent and difficulty of work involved. If they are really clear and complete. it could be a step by step process that any number of people seem to need when they contemplate a swap, rather than do the calculations and measurements themselves. As has been seen on the forum here any number of times, difficulty in following directions in numerical order when troubleshooting a problem and responding clearly, I foresee an equal percentage of botched swaps and resulting scrappers as a result. I'm sure a number of swaps will get completed and will look like a Pilothouse on an S=10 frame.
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