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  • My Project Cars
    1949 B1-B pilot house.
  1. Took the truck to its first car show today. Love driving this truck
  2. Installed a new temp gauge seems to be running around 175 or so after 15min running at idle.
  3. Found it was just a NPT fitting bought at autozone. Truck is back on the road again worked great just needed to make one bracket to get it to fit.
  4. Alright here is where I am at on this. Tank is mounted and filler neck hooked up. But I can not find a fitting to work on this new tank. Looks to be made for a male flare but all the male flares I've found aren't long enough. Any idea? Worst case will weld a flare into the tank.
  5. I have started installing the new gas tank. I have had to make some brackets since tank is shorter the OG tank. The only thing I have not found an answer for is the filler neck is below the cab unsure how to connect the filler tube and the neck yet. Any Ideas?
  6. I heated some water up to 170f, gauge was reading close to 212f hard to really tell on these gauges probably closer to 200f. Then I replaced thermostat with a 165f tstat filled with water, ran truck around the block a couple times to get temp up to what it was saying was 200f stuck thermometer in water inside rad. Was reading around 170f took temps around tstat housing and temp probe all pretty close to 175f. Ran truck for about 30min drove it around the block a few times took temp reading inside rad 176f. So I bent the needle a little so it is reading closer to real temp. Ran for another 15min stayed right around 175f. One thing I did notice when driving around 50mph would creep up to around 200 but once stopped at stop signs would drop right back to 180 or so. Would running cheap unleaded gas cause higher temps. Is there anything else I should be checking I feel that the gauge was just off by around 40f. What kind of water should I put into the radiator.
  7. I drained the cooling system and going to test the temp probe. I pulled the thermostat looks to be some aftermarket junk and looks to be a 190 stat but not for sure. Before I did all this I ran motor up to 200f and didn't see any water moving in radiator. So my goal tonight is to install the correct 165f stat and test the temp probe then take it from there.
  8. I believe my temp sensor is off by about 50 degrees. Any idea where I can find one that works?
  9. Thanks for all your help guys might have time this weekend to try some of your ideas out. Will keep you posted.
  10. I have found my truck running around 212f but not 100% sure temp gauge is correct. I popped the hood to find radiator boiling over at the cap. Took my infrared gun and took temps around the stat housing read 165f. Around spark plugs 259f and temp gauge port 185f. Not sure how to tell if the water pump is working. Any tips to figure out what is my problem and where to start.
  11. Thanks, I went ahead and got the tank and sending unit. Just haven't found time to install it yet. Will let you know how it turns out.
  12. I'm in need of a gas tank for my B3C truck. Have been told a W tank will work just need to make a bracket. Has anyone done this.
  13. I'm looking for a new spring for the gas pedal. The one on the truck is very stiff. Does anyone know where I could find a new spring at?
  14. Took the truck out today for a quick run around the block. Drives and handles great can't wait till spring to drive it more often just got lucky today it was 50 outside.
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