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Everything posted by omiotek

  1. ill email you
  2. Are both removable or is only one from the upper control arm? If it is only one how do you remove the threaded bar from the middle of the arm? Thanks
  3. Thanks everyone. Sorry for not being on to respond butnive been working on the car non stop. Anyways the starter is shot after further disagnosis as it won't engage and even with direct power which I thought of after posting this it won't function. The car has an aftermarket switch panel which I discovered as well so none of the oem switches are connected properly and the wiring harness is butchered. It's really pathetic that someone can't take time to add proper terminals that cost cents and dollars and do a proper job. I will fire the motor on a test bench and make life easy as I need to move forward with the car.
  4. Yes engine rotates freely by hand with no hesitations or issues. Im not sure when this was last started and the previous owner had no clue either has he bought it and decided he did not want to bother since he had about 40 cars he was attending to. Ask the questions I will answer to the best of my ability
  5. Thanks. I ordered it but it won't be here in time for me to go back to work...... Anyone have some ideas or can look it up in their manual. Car has power the starter arcs If you touch a tool to them. Just won't bump ot start from the dash buttons. What's the proper starting procedure other then putting the key in and hitting the buttons
  6. Do not have a service manual. Couldn't find anything for this car.
  7. So first attempt to start this thing and it's a no go. The car has power as the horn works but nothing happens. Won't bump the start we even though a little bit of smoke came from it. Anyone have some trouble shooting recommendations? Btw if anyone is in Illinois and can come take a look that would be awesome Thanks Matt
  8. That's where I want to put my money too.....
  9. Not to sure about the storage...the guy I bought it from had it in a climate controlled garage with his collection. Prior to that Idk and he doesn't know either. I haven't drained it yet but the oil on the dip stick is liquid still so I'm hoping for the best...... I'm just going to do some basic things and try firing it to see what happens. If it doesn't fire the engine has to come out anyways. I will be making a video as well haha. If it does fire it will be awesome and I will be a happy camper.
  10. This is true main point of taking the pan is just clean it out. The engine rotates freely. I'm drilling my scope down in there soon to I can get an idea of what's going on without yanking too much apart. I just wanna see if it fires quickly and I will tear it apart when th bodies off
  11. Thanks for that info I was just going to run 10w30 or 40 conventional
  12. Very true.... That's why I want do it. Better to be safe then sorry
  13. Thanks. No this won't be a picture perfect aaca car. I just want a driver that will be as perfect as I can get it myself. The only things I'm outsourcing are parts and media blasting. Everything is else is bring done by me. I have till October 31st 2015 to get it done. The engine does turn and the oil was liquid and not all sludgy but I'm going to pull the pan and valve covrt and check a few things and clean up. I just want to see if it will run l. If it does I'm going to yank it anyways and replace all the gaskets. I do have my work cut out for me but I will get things done as I can.
  14. Oh well I was really hoping it was the original. Anyways what do you use for batteries in these cars? Anything specific?
  15. I got everything in the bay relatively situated as there was a lot of debris and things that weren't connected. I have a list of parts and cleaning stuff on the way before I even think about firing this thing up. AC STLL WORKS!!!!!! I took off the inner fenders and got them taken apart so I can get the front end to the blaster next week, I don't have pictures of them totally disassembled but they are. I also got the seat track and everything totally out and im going to clean them up and get them painted as its a relatively easy task to just finish up. Also I got some stuff boxed up for the chromers depending on how much they want to charge me. Might just end up with powdercoating on some of the stuff since a friend of mine does it.
  16. Well after my introduction I can say I have talked to quite a few cool people on here. So I think it's time to start a build thread since I have officially torn into the car. The back story: Originally I was not planning to buy another car as I have 2 current projects that I'm always messing with. Anyways for my wedding my fiancé and I were looking for a vintage car. Out of all the ones we have looked at we only likes a black and red Bentley Coupe. To rent the car for the amount of time we would need it for was going to be in the $2500 ball park. Neither one of us were to pleased with it but its something she really has her heart on. After a few weeks of tossing the idea of this Bentley around my dad sent me a random text with an Ebay link attached to it with the following text. "How about this for your wedding?" I took a look and it was a 1938 Chrysler Royal. Never in a million years did I think I would ever have an old car like this. I am more of a modern performance guy but I do appreciate old cars. Well eventually we won the auction and we drove up to Michigan to pick it up. Upon site I was pretty pleased with what we had on our hands. Literally almost everything was there minus some little things(later they were found). My idea with this car isn't to do a picture perfect restoration. I will be painting it how I want but the body styling of the car will be original. No hot rod stuff here. So here's a few refresh pics from when I got the car home. The car had the title and keys believe it or not. On Sunday I started doing some little things. I found the missing shift knob under the seat Heres a few floor shots.... Not to bad in my opinion.
  17. Welcome best of luck to you guys
  18. sorry to hear about your dad. my moms a cancer patient as well but i can say she has made it 8-9 years since her diagnosis. It spreads more and they do more and more surgeries but atleast shes functioning and walking. It recently spread to her throat but so far just doing a little radiation and 2 minor surgueries shes been able to pull through. Ill donate some cash when i get paid next week. Keep your head up.
  19. i think it might be time to start a build thread.
  20. question... what kind of oil do you guys run in these cars? again might sound like a stupid question that im over thinking here but i want to put fresh oil into to rotate the motor by hand and i will drain it out after ive verified it doesnt lock up or anything of the sort and put in another batch of fresh oil before i fire the car next week. today i will be doing all of the maitenece check overs to start ordering enough parts to fire it up.
  21. heres my box what i have available to me
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