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    My cars!
  • My Project Cars
    1950 Plymouth Special DeLuxe
    1959 Ford Thunderbird

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  • Biography
    23 years old
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  1. The last picture is the body tag on my 50, hope to get a photo shoot with her in front of the factory soon:)
  2. Can't seem to upload them all at once, so here's a few more..
  3. Got a couple shots from around the place earlier. Different areas of the plant.
  4. I live next door to the old Plymouth factory in Evansville. The main part of the plant is now an empty warehouse, although there are abandoned buildings and parts of the factory that are almost untouched since Plymouth packed up and left town in 59. Thought I'd share a couple pictures and treasures I've found around the place and will try to get more this weekend! Being a 50 Ply owner with an evansville built car, does it really get much cooler than that??!!
  5. Well, I've replaced the points, condenser, rotor, coil, plugs, wires, and still not getting any spark. There's no spark coming from the coil.
  6. Just joined the site and it's seems like a huge wealth of knowledge so I thought I'd see if anybody could give me any ideas. I have a stock 1950 Plymouth Special Deluxe. The car was driven into a pole barn 20+ years ago and parked due to brake issues. Well now I've acquired the car and am trying to get her back on the road. I've changed the battery, plugs, wires, coil, put a little oil down each cylinder, drained all the old gas, and cleaned the points. It turns over but it seems to turn over slow and isn't getting any fire. Any advice would be much appreciated!
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