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Slick Steve

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    Paramedic/EMS Educator

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  1. Thanks everyone! We are getting the hang of these things. We had a used one we took apart so we could figure them out. We have the starting procedeure down, and hopefully tomorow will get the mix right, it is still running a little rich. I till get more pics and possibly another video. As far as other mods go, not mady "mods" but a lot of bolt on aftermarket parts; Langdon headers, Mallory Dual Point Dist, Smithy's, Edmunds Intake, Edmunds Fuel Filter, Hudson Twin H Air Cleaners.... Thanks again guys!
  2. Just an update on my Wayfarer. We got it started up last night. After tinkering with the injectors, it fired right up and ran like a top! We still have a little fine tuning to do but it is running!
  3. Have you taken the distributor out? If so, when you put it in, could it be 180 out? Just a guess...
  4. Flattie... Contact Bubba from Bubba's Hot Rod Shop. He can help you. He can also test, rebuild, or turn your distributor into electronic if you choose! http://www.lindertech.com/bhrs/ Tell em' Slick Steve sent ya!
  5. Thanks everyone! I should get it fired up this weekend. I will let you know how it goes!
  6. Got a bunch done on my car today....here are a few pics: How about Hudson Twin H Air Cleaners? Let me know what you think! Also check out my webpage with tons of pics and more info on my car!
  7. Once your original goes out, how hard is it to find a replacement? Anybody selling new ones? Thanks
  8. I have a 51' Wayfarer and and having problems installing the ECI Master Cylinder Kit. The master cylinder is bolted to the frame, and sits on the crossmember. So, the replacement bracket must fit between the floor and the crossmember. There is about 3 3/4 inches of clearance. I ordered what I thought was the correct one, got it, and it would not fit, it was to tall. I called them back and exchanged it for one they thought would fit besed on my description. I got it yesterday and it does not fit either, still to tall. I am begining to think the Wayfarer model must be different than the other full size Dodges of the same year. Can anyone help? Has anyone used this on a Wayfarer, or can anyone give me hints? I originally had the PN EC444 bracket, and now have the EC442. PLease help!!!!
  9. I have a Langdon kit brand new for sale! Check the Parts for sale section!
  10. Who is using one? I just bought one and am looking forward to installing it. Anyone with any experience with these?
  11. Here's mine!
  12. So....are you saying they to tend to lock up and skid on hard breaking? Do you think this would not happen if you had radials? I am interested in this becuase I have not test drove mine, but I have skinny (5.60-15) new Bias Ply's.
  13. Hi all! What is the best oil to run in our beloved Flat 6's? Seems like I remember someone telling me 15w40, but I am not sure. I have a fair amount of Lucas 15w40 and Iwas hoping I could use it. If not what is best for these engines?
  14. Did the Ford filter that screws into the pmp look like this????
  15. I am just finishing re-finishing my gas tank, and I want to run all new fuel line from the tank to the pump. What size fuel line should I get? 1/4, 3/8? Is aluminum ok? Is an inline filter before the pump ok? Thanks!!!
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