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  • Gender
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    Pemberton, British Columbia
  • Interests
    Mountain Biking, Sailing, Snowboarding, 80s BMWs
  • My Project Cars
    1949 Plymouth Business Coupe


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  • Interests
    Fishing, mountain biking

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  • Occupation
    Refrigeration Mechanic

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  1. A couple from the summer forgot to post. She's all tucked away for winter now
  2. Ive relocated my battery to the trunk, let me know if you would like the tray and original hold down bracket. I might even still have the bolts.
  3. Car is back on the road after rear end re seal, did the carrier gasket, pinion seal and axle seals. So far so good no leaks! I needed to replace my champion radiator again as my old one was leaking from where the core fin enters the tanks. Plan is to drive it for the rest of nice weather Octoberish then store again for winter Ive noticed some fuel around the fuel pump. I am wondering if the seals dried up while it was left sitting since 2017. Its not a spray but more of a weep. Looking at the fuel pump it does not have the glass bowl like the new ones for sale and it looks to have another piece on it that is tied into the motor vacuum lines? I'll get some pictures soon
  4. Alright I have the axle disassembled for re seal but waiting for some warmer weather so any sealer I put on the carrier gasket will cure properly. In the meantime i have a new hand brake liner but am having difficulty removing the old assembly as the adjustment bolt is really long hitting the floor not allowing for removal. Any tips? The bolt goes through the transmission bracket but that is the rear assembly on the transmission
  5. Perfect thanks i'll try that tomorrow!
  6. Looking at info on how to remove rear axel shafts without original tool. I've confirmed the rim and brake drum are not bent and it's the actual axel itself. Has anyone removed one before? I've rear about using a slide hammer as an option. Thanks in advance!
  7. Ugh new photo bucket terms now you need to pay for posting images. $400US/YEAR???!! Need to figure out another platform then will update the thread. What other websites are people using?
  8. Ok figured it out Got insurance today and opted for the new BC parks plates. Still need to apply for collectors plates Did a little shakedown drive to the end of the meadows. Wow. Highly suggest doing the front spring swap. New rear leafs are great, not having the car bottom out on the floor pan is a huge plus
  9. About 2hrs. Already had the old springs out and the car in the air which helped speed things along
  10. ItNew rear leafs, u bolts and bushings showed up today [URL=httptp://s18.photobucket.com/user/kento99/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20170705_202230_zpshikluahd.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=httptp://s18.photobucket.com/user/kento99/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20170705_202736_zpsbe7dtfci_edit_1499317587751_zpsnqq2appz.jpg.html][/URL] And you know the saying can't let new parts sit around or they'll go stale. Installed the leafs tonight. Forgot to measure before hand but seems to be a little bit higher than it was before. However this is hopefully going to stop the driveshaft making contact with the floorpan on large bumps. Going to drive around for a bit and let settle before making anymore adjustments. [URL=http://s18.photobucket.com/user/kento99/media/IMG_20170705_215854_zps9bpiibzu.jpg.html][/URL]
  11. Installed new manifold heat riser spring today. Mine was broken since I purchased the car so the riser just rattled around. Looking forward to having it fixed. Rear springs have been made and shipped should be here next week. They were custom made to allow me to remove the current 3" drop block while retaining the drop. If anyone is interested in 3" drop blocks with U bolts let me know.
  12. It's a S-10 Blazer. Had a nice built up 350 in it but he's since sold it to fund other projects.
  13. I bought this wiring harness: http://www.americanautowire.com/shop/highway-15-wiring-kit Overkill for sure but leaves lots of room for improvement down the road. I like this harness compared to others as you don't have all the wires coming out of the bottom of the fuse block. Instead there is a terminal strip so you can run each wire individually. American auto wire has a vintage kit with period correct clothlike wrapped wiring but it's $$$. All the wiring I've done is out of sight so I wasn't too concerned. Yes unfortunately mine only came with 1 proper hubcap. I will need to source those at one point.
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