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  • My Project Cars
    1947 2 Door Sedan 6 Passenger Balfour Green

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  • Biography
    New to cars from the fortys
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  • Location
    Tyngsboro, MA
  • Interests
    Hot Rods
  1. So the Mr Gasket ones from Summit ones arrived today and although they state 6-1/2 dia they actually measure 6-3/8. Perfect fit.
  2. Just ordered the Speedway ones Sniper recommended. Will let everyone know what works. Thank you everyone
  3. Good morning everyone thank you for your support. I decided to order this and see if it will fit. All the responses are much appreciated. Happy Labor Day! https://www.summitracing.com/parts/MRG-1485A
  4. Looking for help finding air cleaner elements for my 1947 Plymouth with an Offenhauser split intake. I have had no luck finding these. Any help is greatly appreciated. The element measures 6-1/4” outside dia 5-1/8” inside dia 2-1/2 tall.
  5. Thank you! This is very helpful!
  6. Good morning, Hoping someone can confirm my suspicion that the shoe I received for my emergency brake is the incorrect diameter. I have backed all the adjustments off to allow for the widest opening and the T bolt that closes the shoe will not reach through the swivel to allow the nut to be threaded on. Am I missing something? Any feedback is greatly appreciated. photo atatched of the old and new assembly. Thank you in advance for any help offered. IMG_6794.HEIC IMG_6790.HEIC
  7. Good morning, Does anyone have a suggestion to prevent leaks at the short hose in the picture? The thermostat housing and water pump hose barbs are on different planes causing a small leak. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Jeff
  8. I have a similar set on my 48 coupe. With cherry bombs and 3" stainless it sounds BAD A$$
  9. Picked up the freeze plug set and head bolt set from Andrew Burnbaum. Thank you everyone for your help. Jeff
  10. Does anybody know where I can buy the freeze plug Bob is referring to above. Also I would like to replace all the head bolts. Looking to source those as well.
  11. Well 18 total bolts in the head of my old straight 6. 3 left to remove have broken only 2. And not a one has come out easy. Jeff
  12. First let me thank everyone with their previous help. I'm new to working on my 47 plymouth. So sorry for all the questions. I have started to remove the head bolts to change the head gasket. So far most have come out with out breaking. Till tonight. I broke my first one on the exhaust manifold side and it feels like the remainder on that side feel like they are going to break as well. I've tried penetrant but I don't think it will make it past the heads of the bolts down to the threads. Does anybody have any tips? I hate to spend hours drilling and ez outing. Any and all help much appreciated. Jeff
  13. Bob thank you those pics are valuable. Thank you again for the extra effort in helping me. I will try it and get back to you. Jeff
  14. Thank you everyone. I have it soaking in PB we will see if it frees it up. Bob are you saying pop the freeze plug above it and tap it out from the inside? Thank you Jeff
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