I am on the level,and this is an actual project.
It has been awhile since i posted because of life,and the project will have to be furthur pushed back.
My mother died last month and i've been dealing with that as i'm executor and also have inherited a baby sister fresh out of high school that still lived at hom and is moving into our place.
Being the only male in a family of women (3 sisters) has proven to be pretty trying,as well as a 9yo son who's twin baby goats died the same week as his grandma.
The reason behind this actual vehicle as a project is because it is a family car.
It was bought new by my grandfathers uncle in 1948 and he drove all the way to Detroit and picked it up.
When he died it was left to my grandpa,who drove it until the 70's when it was parked for a small issue.
I've wanted it since I was 12,having been parked in the same place for years and years.
When grandpa died it was left to my uncle,who is older and doesn't have the health to restore so I finally got ahold of it a few years ago from him.
If it weren't a family car it would have long been stripped,ebay'd and scrapped since that is all an old Dodge is worth to me.
Never liked them,but this was my first "dream car" and I want it to be my sons eventually and maybe survive longer.
So the vehicle has sentimental/intrinsic value,but that's about it.
Though my plan is to not substantially alter so that my son can't later use the stored factory parts to restore factory if he wants to.
I'll be glad to post up some pics,jumped on here real quick to find the wheel offsets for it as i'm about to get rid of a Ford I gave my mother before she died and thought the wheels might work on it for now.
Alot of stuff has happened in the past two months,but plans for the car haven't changed. Just have alot of stuff to deal with (mom's death is only part of crap going on around here currently) and the plan only being set back is actually great news.