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Everything posted by Dajudge

  1. Thanks, guys. I like the idea of leaving it stock. But, I hear ya Skruffy. Even though SHE will know how to jump it, how many "helpfull" guys of any age are going to take the word of a 16 year old girl. So, If I go 12v is there not a simple way to pull 6v off of it for the gauges and heater. I can't believe in our "electronical" age there is not a way to simply drop the stuff down at one spot. As Keven has stated there is a $60 fix to go from 6 to 12v. Would be nice to go back the other way. I guess I will go 12v since we have to put everything back to new anyway. I pulled the heater Saturday night. If there was any thought of not going with new wire it is gone now. Just touching the heater wires gave me a whole length of bare wire.
  2. So, I am deep into the thinking stage on my daughter's 49. The motor is running on 12v now just off the battery. I have read and read and for the life of me can't decide if I need to go 12v or leave the truck 6v. I will put all new wire in it any way. Can someone please tell me which way to go. If I go 12v the hidden radio will be a breeze, but everything else will be resistors and other electronic do dads all over. What is the reasoning for changing over? My other thought, not to deaply yet is... Can you throw two 6v batteries in and run some stuff off 6v side and series them for 12v on other stuff? Confused and thinking. By the way this forum is great! Two weeks and I have already sourced lot of info and a fender, air cleaner, and badge. Thanks Kevin. A radio and gas tank will be here today. Thanks, Andy
  3. Me too. Thanks for the link.
  4. Here's the video of the old Dodge moving out of its hibernation. And here it is loading itself onto the trailer. Go to the 3 minute mark or so. I will edit it later.
  5. So we spent 7 hrs yesterday going to Godley, Tx to pick up the 49. To our surprise it started up and pulled itself up onto the trailer. Good start. After I got it home I noticed there was no gas tank. Probably not a bad plan to replace it anyway. They had it running off a gallon gas can. Pictures and video to follow. Needless to say my daughter is thrilled.
  6. Beautiful truck. Glad to hear the daily driver stories.
  7. It is T142_ _ _ _ _. At least that is what is on the title. We are going to pick the truck up Sunday.
  8. I believe it is a 3/4 ton. I just got home and looked at the title. The vin starts with a T. So I guess it has the 331 on it. What else is diff. Between the 3/4 and 1/4 ton. Just asking, haven't started reading yet.
  9. Picture from tonight.
  10. Ok so the three trucks that we were looking at sold on Sunday I guess, ad disapeared. But there was one much closer to us that the ad reappeared this morning for. We went and took a look tonight. Looks like I will be hanging around here more as we have keys and a title for it. I hope to go with a trailer and get it Sunday.
  11. Thanks guys this is what I wanted to hear. Leaving it stock and just bringing it back to life makes me feel much better. I know what I am doing there. The frame swapping or front clipping had me concerned. She doesnt need to do 80 but 55 to 60 would be nice as not to get run over. Much thinking to be done.
  12. Thanks for the replies. Thought I would post a picture of the running truck. Then there are 2 green ones for parts. I'm thinking I might give them a call and ride up to look at them Sunday. They are about 160 miles away.
  13. Hi, first post. Been reading and reading. I have found a group of 49's. One runs and the other two are mostly complete. I have a 13 year old daughter who is very interested in building here first car with dad. My first car was a 66 Pontiac Lemans convertible that my dad and I put together followed by a 70 GTO Judge that we tore a part and put it back together. That car is still in my garage 22 years later. I drive a new GTO and my wife has a Dodge Daytona, we like cars and it has rubbed off on her. She loves the humpy fenders of the 40's trucks. She has also watch too much monkey garage and doesn't want to paint it, just clear over the patina. How realistically drivable is a 49 stock? I have talked myself in and out of this multiple times over the last several days. I thought I would come to the experts. Could you just do the rear end for more highway drivability? Top speed stock? Gas mileage, simply because I have no clue what these get. 8 or 80 mpg Should you do a front end for better handling? Volara, mustang II Need to update brakes. With or without front end upgrade? Can you get along with the stock 6? No real need for a frame swap I've decided. 318 and 727 trans upgrade? This truck would be used for going back and forth to school. Your first car should be cool. Spending a couple of years in the garage with her would be great. Just looking for the right project. Any input would be appreciated. Tell me it's great, tell me I'm crazy... Didn't sleep a wink last night thinking about it. Thank you
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