So, I am deep into the thinking stage on my daughter's 49. The motor is running on 12v now just off the battery. I have read and read and for the life of me can't decide if I need to go 12v or leave the truck 6v. I will put all new wire in it any way.
Can someone please tell me which way to go. If I go 12v the hidden radio will be a breeze, but everything else will be resistors and other electronic do dads all over.
What is the reasoning for changing over? My other thought, not to deaply yet is... Can you throw two 6v batteries in and run some stuff off 6v side and series them for 12v on other stuff?
Confused and thinking.
By the way this forum is great! Two weeks and I have already sourced lot of info and a fender, air cleaner, and badge. Thanks Kevin. A radio and gas tank will be here today.