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    u.s. navy retired
  • Occupation
    car builder

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  • My Project Cars
    building 58 dodge 62 dodge and 69 dodge


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  1. sweet van you got there. hope to find one for myself
  2. nice build stay with it
  3. coming along i see. looks good
  4. glad to see you will be putting in some time on this. i'll be watchin'
  5. how did you make out?
  6. guess you have to do some pre fitting
  7. depends on your geographical area as tp what the labor rates are. anybody shop would be able to tell you what their rate is in your area. for your cross members why not weld the appropriate nuts on the member. that way you just need to put it in position and start your bolts. use some anti-sieze on the threads and you should be good
  8. you want to find exact reference points on each side of the frame side to side front to rears. top to bottom measure your length from various points. take at least three cross measurements these like points. (factory jig/alignment holes) start with the front third of the frame at the front jig hole in the frame horn to maybe the spring bolt or first cab mount hole measuring across take that measurement and compare it to the opposite side. then do this to the center area of the frame front cab mount to rear cab mount. and compare to the opposite side. then do the rear as you did in the other areas. then you need at least four plumb bobs. ( a string, or chain with the weight of a good sized nut on the end of it) tie or attach these down the center of a cross member or a broom handle or such laid across the frame rails every few feet until all four are in place. then get down and sight the middle and if the frame is straight you will only see one nut in your sight. problems that the frame could have would be sway, mash, sag, twist or be diamond. and not necessarily just one.. if you need to go to a frame shop they will usually charge an hour and a half labor to set up and measure. they need to do the to determine the situation and decide where to make their pulls and how many. a frame shop should be able to give you a copy of the frames measurements before the pull and a copy of the measurements after the pull. after the frame is back into spec. a prefit of your cab or metal should be done to make sure you wont have any problems later with fit.
  9. 03 and up is where you have to be concerned. anything older is business as usual. just don't over heat it that's where you weaken it's tinsel strength
  10. yeah i guess i get around LOL. i am also on "FOR DODGE TRUCKS ONLY" link below i have a need to celebrate the dodge in the way others do the bow ties and blue ovals.
  11. it's a little newer than a pilot house but it fits
  12. anything happening here?
  13. it was give or take an 1/8 back then. but figure if your out an 1/8 in the front out an 1/8 some where else in the middle and out a 1/16 some where else. what are you really out. being a frame guy i know it don't sound like much but it adds up to being out of square. if you need to have it pulled insist on dead on.
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