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  1. Conn47D24's post in Front wheel cylinders D24 was marked as the answer   
    This was the cause of multiple issues !
    I was using new style ( short ) pins with the deeper wheel cylinder pistons.  Couldn't get a good feeling pedal.
    Also, the WC's were leaking, seems they piston was trying to push out too far due to the pin.
    Rebuilt all WC, used my original pins  ( thank God I horde stuff )  Brakes are feeling and working fine now.

  2. Conn47D24's post in Steering wheel nut was marked as the answer   
    46 47 48 Dodge parts book shows 5/8 ths - 18.  I used this size die to clean up mine. 
    Note:  7 pass and Limo  used 3/4 -20
    Possible Desoto is the same?
  3. Conn47D24's post in Rear quarter windows was marked as the answer   
    Fellow D-24 Club Coupe owners 
    Do I have the glass installed backwards in the channel ??
    I am having a heck of a time getting them in the body, and it just doesn't seem right.
    HELP please
  4. Conn47D24's post in Rear quarter windows was marked as the answer   
    46 47 48 Club Coupe,  Rear  1/4 windows.
    Correct installation is as shown.
    Angled "tail" piece is toward the REAR of the car when setting glass and installing. 

  5. Conn47D24's post in Driveshaft - Pinion Angle was marked as the answer   
  6. Conn47D24's post in Oil pressure relief valve spring was marked as the answer   
    Ah Ha ,  Found it !
    It's GREEN.
    Mystery Solved.
    Thanks again guys !
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