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10 Good

About Hunka-Junka

  • Birthday 01/29/1969

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • My Project Cars
    1947 Plymouth Coupe


  • Location
    SW Michigan
  • Interests
    Flying, Shooting (IDPA & SASS), Baseball, Hot Rodding

Contact Methods

  • Occupation
    Airframe Mechanic
  1. Thanks, that should help a lot! Right now I have bucket seats from a '76 Camaro, but I'm planning to replace them with something else. They just don't look right to me.
  2. I know this is an old thread, but what types/years of donor cars would you recommend? Does it matter if they are a coupe or sedan? I have a '47 coupe deluxe "hot/street rod". Thanks.
  3. Haha! Thanks, Rockwood. Funny you should mention plymouthdoctor, I just found out about them while looking for other parts! Not sure, but I think they need to be removed and replaced. They have irregularly-shaped and randomly-spaced rust holes all along the underside of them. I haven't thought of patching them, just replacing them. Maybe I should give them another look. How hard is it to fabricate them if I have access to a brake and a shear?
  4. I found a place not too far from me, just a little NE of Lansing in Perry, Michigan. I couldn't find a website for them, but here is the contact info: Plymouth Doctor Restoration Parts, LLC PH# 517-625-7596 Point of contact is Wayne Brandon. I plan to give him a call today. Hope this helps somebody out.
  5. I need some inner rockers for my '47 Plymouth 2-dr coupe. Anybody have any links of where I can get some? If not, how hard are they to make?
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