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Everything posted by 52concord

  1. i just changed out my fuel sending unit from my 51 plymouth, the gauge is working, but the gauge stays on even when the car is off, is that okay or will it drain my battery and cause my sending unit to not last as long?
  2. i just bought the felpro timing gasket kit for my 51 plymouth, and the timing cover seal that comes with the kit looks different than stock, anyone know what direction it goes in? one side of the seal is flat and the other side has a lip
  3. so the overcharging was caused by the generator, i got it rebuilt and went back to normal. One thing that i think isnt right is the volts its putting out, car turned off the battery is at 6.3v, when car is at idle its at 6.3v, once i rev it up to around 2000rpm it stays the same, shouldnt it jump up to 7-8v while revved up?
  4. So everything was working good then i took the plymouth out yesterday and its overcharging. The amp meter is acting like a tachometer every time i rev. At idle it stays at 0 but when i rev it up it goes up to +40 with headlights off. With the headlights on at idle it goes to -20 and when i rev it goes to 0 and doesnt go past that. It also has a new voltage regulator. Any idea what it could be? im thinking maybe its the generator.
  5. i have a 1950 plymouth with 6v positive ground system and a brand new battery. how should the amp meter work? right now when i start the car with no headlights on it stays at 0 at idle and driving. than when i turn head lights on it goes to discharge around 20 at idle, then i rev it up it returns back to 0. does that sound like its working right? i checked voltage at the battery with a fast idle and its showing 6.3 volts, sounds low to me.
  6. you guys have any trouble with exhaust leaks or blowing the heat riser gasket?
  7. so i got my manifold split and it looks exactly like this one, i want to completely block if off from exhaust air going to the intake manifold, should i cut a piece sheet metal and put it between the intake and exhaust manifold?
  8. ohhhh alright this pcv is new to me since i always had plymouth with a draft tube, so say if i disconnect the tube from the carb a little blowby should be coming out of the hose at idle right, meaning the valve is open?
  9. alright and how should it be mounted? is it alright if its to the side or does it have to be vertical? with the thread part on the bottom?
  10. alright so i pulled the pcv and the pcv im using is this one http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/search/PCV+Valve/02180/C0023.oap?year=1964&make=Chevrolet&model=Bel+Air&vi=1323414 should i get another one closer to my engine size or is that one okay? i looked under compatibility at the orielly website and it said the 1962 ford country squire with a 6 cyl 3.6l uses this pcv so i should be fine with it right?
  11. might be not sure though, i do stay in california
  12. alright thanks, so it will be safe to drive the way it is right now? and im guessing the pcv valve is the one screwed into the brass block on there?
  13. so i just bought this 52 plymouth cambridge and i saw this hose connected to what looks like a pcv to the carb base, did this come from the factory? is that a pcv valve?
  14. what range of fuel psi does the carter bb like or can handle?
  15. yeah on that picture it doesnt show the part im talking about but it came with the rebuild kit, and wondering where it goes
  16. alright so im rebuilding my master cylinder and was wondering where this goes, its labeled under G, it that the right placement?
  17. does a 53 plymouth use a vented gas cap or not vented cap?
  18. so when i floor my car from a stop it hesitates then it goes, i think my carb is in need of a rebuild, my timing is set at 5btdc, and im running a ball and ball carb with 2 turns out on the idle mixture screws. any other reasons why its doing this other than the carb?
  19. well i was just thinking of using the 36 clutch for now with my 52 trans, so the 36 clutch wont work if i dont have the early bellhousing and trans? http://www.ebay.com/itm/CLUTCH-PACKAGE-FOR-1933-1954-PLYMOUTH-3-SPEED-STANDARD-/171023027802?pt=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&fits=Year%3A1952%7CMake%3APlymouth&hash=item27d1c44e5a&vxp=mtr i found this so im guessing i should be able to atleast use the clutch
  20. by any chance will the clutch interchange?
  21. so i found a 3 speed off a 36 plymouth deluxe for really cheap and i was wondering if it will bolt on to my 52 plymouth business coupe and will the clutch also interchange?
  22. so i ended up putting another glasspack and same thing, i even slashed the tips.
  23. well the thing is that the noise is coming from both pipes, so i doubt its the glass pack causing it or the straight pipe causing it right? i like the cackle its just the air sound that sounds horrible at idle
  24. just recorded it hopefully it explains it better the sounds is loudest usually when the rpms go down and at idle. i also tried different tips from turndowns to pencil tips to side exits and it was all the same
  25. so i have a 218 with reds headers and dual 1 1/2 in piping with one side straight piped and other with a glasspack, for some reason i get this sound coming outta the exhaust tips, sound like a exhaust leak around 500rpm but once you rev it the sound goes away but comes back once the rpms come down. also sounds like when you put your hand near the exhaust tip it makes like a swooshing noise sounds kinda like that. it pretty much only happens at idle. any idea what it could be?
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