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Captain Bucket

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10 Good

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Borger Texas
  • My Project Cars
    1947 dodge town sedan


  • Location
  • Interests
    Driving, reading, 3d printing
  1. The deluxe airflow heater is the same one thats in my 47 dodge town sedan.
  2. Thanks for the advice, that's what my brother was saying. If the battery is bad should I get a optima battery or a regular one? I'm still running 6 volts.
  3. My town has recently started doing a monthly cruise night down main street and i haven't been able to go.The first time I missed it my car ran out of gas (the sending unit is bad). After putting gas into the car I found out that they are moving the cruise to the second Saturday of every month. The second time i missed it was when my car wouldn't start, the battery was completely dead, which is weird because it was working fine not to long ago. Dad is thinking that it's the voltage regulator. So i took the battery off and charged it, put it back in and bingo it was working again. So dad said "Lets go cruise anyway". My question is what would drain the battery completely with the car being off? Or is it just a bad battery?
  4. Yeah it's different to drive but I like it, I need to get more time in practicing shifting
  5. Thanks, he and I are having a blast fixing it up. He was suprised with how orignal it is and that it didnt take much to get it running, my grandpa is also glad that it's running. My grandpa has told me stories about when he and his friends were diving one of these when they were new and he was going a little to fast down a gravel road and flipped his car...so he and his buddies hopped out flipped it back over and kept on driving
  6. After putting in a completely new wiring harness, getting the generator rebuilt, adding a new electric fuel pump and waiting for it to go under 100 degrees my dad and I decide it's time for a cruise, so when it got cool enough for us to actually get in the car we went to get a couple of milkshakes. She ran nicely, but dad says it's idling a little high and if i'm going to drive it around town im gonna need bigger mirrors. I wanted to take her to a "cruise main" event a couple of days ago but i didnt have any gas but i went anyway. It was sad, my car would have been the oldest one there, they had mostly new cars with the occasional muscle car but i did see a couple of 50's. The people wanted a "Drag Main" event because it had been banned im my town for years and now it's gonna be a monthly event, so next month here I come!
  7. Saw this in a nearby town, said DeSoto on the bumper. It looked nice
  8. I dont have a big set like most of you, but i do have my KAL Tunemaster set that helped me find out that my voltage reg. was bad...that and i just take my dads tools when he's not looking
  9. Love it! I know all about the panhandle sand, I live about 80 miles east of Shamrock.
  10. When taking out my back seat I found a Dr.pepper bottle cap from the 40's, it has cork inside it also, Dr.pepper is my favorite soft drink so I keep it as a good luck souvenir
  11. Well after a full day of wiring we have it installed...now just need to work out the kinks, one wire is to short, need bigger wire loom and find out whats going on with the turn signals, but nothing caught on fire so i'm calling it a good day
  12. Lol more than i'm willing to admit
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