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    NW Oregon
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    old cars, motorcycles and boats

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  1. Thanks for the Kudos. Sure, I will give rides, that's a big part of having them. Even though my kids think that they are theirs already. LOL
  2. Yea, "click to choose files" wont let me post pics that I have downloaded to my computer from my camera. There is no way I would ever be able to utilize any communications thru my phone other than phone and texts. Way over my head. But I was able to dump my camera photos to the computer files but they must be to big to post here. However I took a few more of the New Yorker with my camera and here they are.
  3. This site only lets me post pics that I took with my camera. It wont let me post any that I downloaded from my phone I have been meaning to take a few more so give me a couple of days and I will get the old camera out. Its a shame because I have a couple that are of the build and it looks pretty cool with the body off. Since I am posting pictures I will include a couple of my other builds.
  4. I have a Land Pride 4 ft 3 point mower and it is pretty good quality.
  5. The car is 12 volt so I was wanting a 12 volt wiper motor. I experimented with the 6 volt motor with a resister but didn't much like the results I was getting. 46 Royal body on a 48 NY chassis with the NY front tin. 392 Hemi and a four speed. Fun stuff.
  6. I apologize for not following up on my original question. The Listing for the New Port wiper kit for the Plymouth and Dodge I asked about did bolt up to my New Yorker, However the brace for the dash along with the mechanism that opens the vent were in the way. So some modifications were necessary.
  7. So can I gather from all of this that the Plymouth and Dodge wiper that New Port offers will indeed fit the Chrysler?
  8. Paul, thanks for the phone number, I tried to google up New Port and it looked like they might have gone away. Kented, Here is what I am looking at They show an electric to replace the vacuum but I think these are all 12 volt. http://www.yogisinc.com/index.cfm/page/ptype=product/product_id=8053/category_id=-1/mode=prod/prd8053.htm
  9. I am doing some modifications to a 46 Chrysler. I found an electric replacement 12 volt wiper motor thru on of the street rod sites. Their printed catalog offers a direct replacement wiper motor for 46 thru 48 Mopar. However the online catalog states that they fit 46-48 Plymouth and Dodge. Maybe someone on here has ordered one of these from www.yogisinc.com . I sent a message to the online site and the guy that responded didn't think that this would work for me. My question is would an electric wiper motor from a Dodge fit the Chrysler? I sure would like to prove the web guy at this site wrong as it would solve my wiper problems.
  10. OK, Silly me. I took the old box apart to take a look at how this seal worked. I found that there is a tube in there that runs up above the oil level. after looking at it for awhile I decided to pull the fill plug on the 'new' box. Lo and behold it was almost full. The advise I can give if you are filling the gear out of the car make sure that the column is at an angle equal to the installed angle. I must have had it to steep when I filled it so when the angle was reduced to installed specs the oil found its way to the top of that inner tube and drained down and out if the hole at the bottom of the column. Shorter story, the lube found its own level after an inadvertent over fill.
  11. The only thing not discussed here is that I had to remove the toe board to get column housing down far enough to get the gear passed the lower control arm.
  12. OK, Got er done. Not that tough. One problem, I put 90 wt in the thing on the bench, steered it a few times and let it sit for a couple of days, no leaks. Then put it in the car, test drive of about 5 miles and the 90 wt is leaking fast, I suspect it will be empty by morning. It looks to be leaking out of the end where the horn wire comes out. The blow up in my manual shows that the cover will come off and there are shims, a spring, then a washer and seal. Is this a difficult repair with the gear still in the car? Or, Is there any thoughts of using grease or 600 wt lubes instead of the recommended 90 wt?
  13. Many Thanks.
  14. I see that this is an old post , but I have been looking on here to try and figure out how to swap the steering gear from my parts car onto my driver. 52 Ply, mine is a suburban and the parts car is a sedan. Both 52s but the parts car doesn't have nearly the slop that my driver does. If I am figuring this correctly I need to pull the steering wheel, then the pitman arm, then unbolt the box from the frame. Deal with the horn wire and pull the gear box along with the shaft out from under the car. It looks easy enough, but the manual that I have doesn't give step by step to remove the gear, but does mention taking the wheel off. Am I on the right track?
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