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About furiousgeorge

  • Birthday 01/22/1983

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  • My Project Cars
    1948 Dodge 1/2 on Dakota frame.

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  • Biography
    I'm married with three kids, and have been a Dodge man since I was 10.
  • Occupation
    I'm a miner operator underground for Mosaic Potash.


  • Location
    Saskatoon erea, Saskatchewan, Canada
  • Interests
    I've rebuilt a few MoPars, scale model building, anything that keeps my hands busy!

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  1. Thanks for the info! Guess I’ll have to expand my search. JBNeal, a had read that post, some good to know stuff there, but doesn’t really apply to what I’m needing at the moment.
  2. Hello! I’ve been tracking down rusted out old cabs for my ‘50 1 ton to cut patches out of (inner windshield pillars, and the upper door jam on the drivers side). I found a fellow pretty close to me with a couple big trucks (a ‘51 Fargo 1 1/2 ton, an a Dodge about the same year/size). The parts of the cabs look about the same to me, though it was hard to tell since the trucks were both tipped on their sides. I’ve read 1 ton and down the cabs are the same, are the bigger truck cabs also the same, or close enough? Thanks!
  3. My truck won’t be used to haul or tow anything, just aiming for a fun cruiser. So the early ‘50s and on 4 speeds are syncro’d in 3/4 only? So I’d still have to double clutch 1/2 and 2/3? What about the three speeds?
  4. Hello! I’ve been picking away at my ‘50 1 ton over the last couple years (can’t do much though, been laid off for most of it). I opened up the original 4 speed to check it over. I had trouble shifting it without grinding gears. I’d read that they were synchronized, not synchronized only synced 2-3 and 3-4, lots of contradicting info. So got it opened and there are no syncros. Most of the gears have led a hard life and there’s some mettle floating around in the oil. So I figured I’d rather have a synchronized transmission then rebuild this one and probably kill it trying to learn double clutch. So my question is, which years and transmissions are synchronized that would bolt on? I’d rather not do a T5 swap or anything like that. My plan for the truck is to update as necessary to make it a nice, safe cruiser. I’ve already done a disc brakes up front and have a Dakota rear end to put in. I’d like to keep the flathead and a more or less original type transmission. Thanks!
  5. I figured they’d be the same internally (except the cam). Is there a better place to get parts?
  6. Hello, I’m starting to get ready to gather parts for a rebuild on my 1950 truck 228. My plan is to use the crank and rods out of a 251 from a truck, and bore the 228 out to the standard 251 size. My question is this, is there a difference between a 251 from a truck, and one from a car? I generally order parts from Rock Auto, and they list most of what I need if I look under a 1950 Chrysler Windsor with a 251, but under a ‘50 truck with the 251 they don’t lost any of what I need (pistons, rings, bearings and so on). Are they that different? I was under the impression that they’d be exactly the same?
  7. I never noticed if the front springs/axle were different when I had my 1/2 ton parts truck, but the 1/2 ton spindles fit the 1 ton axle (from ‘48 1/2 ton to ‘50 1 ton).
  8. Thanks for the info! I’ve already got them pulled out when I pulled the axle (didn’t really want them falling on my head!). So what is the difference between 1/2 and 1 ton springs? The number of leaves? Thickness? My truck didn’t have rear shocks or any mounting parts for them, so I’ve got to track that stuff down. I’m just trying to soften the ride out a bit. When the truck was drivable, it was like i could feel every little bump and crack in the road!
  9. I’ve been slowly upgrading and piecing back together the old Dodge, currently working on a rear end swap. The truck was originally a 1 ton dually with a dump box, though the hydraulics and such were removed by the guy I got it from. I noticed that the rear springs consisted of two spring packs, the top one just sits on top of the main one. There are brackets front and back that hold it in place when the truck is on its wheels, once I had it on stands with the rear end out, I just lifted them out. So are the main springs the same as half or 3/4 tons? They’re easy to put in and out, so I figured I’d keep them in case I ever haul anything heavy.
  10. Awesome, thanks guys! Time to start measuring!
  11. Hello! I have a ‘50 1 ton that has a Rusty Hope disc brake set up on it (with 1/2 ton spindles). I’m starting to look around at rims and tires, but I don’t know how to figure out what offset I need, or how big I can go (I’m thinking around 18”). Google only brings up measuring what offset a wheel has. How do I go about figuring it out? Thanks!
  12. I don’t know if they are or not, but they fit the curvature of the roof perfect and look good!
  13. It was originally a marionish red, just in primer for who knows how long. But I’m a poor boy so in primer it’ll stay! I like the red wheels with the grey, but since I added the disc brake kit and a rear ended swap, I have to get different rims. Not sure what style to go with, but will probably be black rims.
  14. My ‘50 1 ton prior to an engine removal.
  15. The rods are roughly 8 1/4” center to center, has 954418 on it.
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