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Everything posted by autoexpressionist.com

  1. Do you still need a channel?
  2. Awesome. Exactly what I was hoping for. (aside from the shift linkage... but I'll keep an eye on that.) Thanks so much!!
  3. Needing to replace the rear engine mounts in my '47 Plymouth and have read the previous posts about the issues with not being able to remove/reinstall because of not being able to get the trans jacked up enough. I am just now getting into this project and was considering cutting the sleeved washer that drops in from the top to remove. Then replacing it with a sleeve that installs from the bottom instead. Am I missing something that would cause a problem doing it this way?
  4. Everything having to do with the throw-out bearing is correct. The clutch pedal felt great before and the rod wasn't changed at all. I don't want to try to make adjustments yet because it seems so far out of place that it seems something must be connected wrong.
  5. Please forgive my ignorance.... I'm learning as I go. Replaced the clutch and throw-out bearing in my '47 Plymouth. Put the linkage back together (at least I thought I did) and now the clutch pedal practically falls down. With the last inch or so of movement, it will engage the clutch. I took of the rod going to the fork and the small return spring and that was it. The pressure plate is the same, I didn't take off the pivot, the clutch arm and over center spring weren't touched. Nothing regarding the adjustment should be different and I've taken the clutch pan back off twice to check that my fork is attached to the bearing and that the pivot is in place. I have no pride left and I'm hoping it's something simple that I'm overlooking or doing wrong.
  6. Decided to make a series of relief cuts in that pan and tap it down to open it up a little. I don't see why this would be a problem. I guess if it doesn't work, I take it back apart and go the new pressure plate route.
  7. I'm sure it would fit minus the coffee strainer. Might have to check into getting it out. Seems like it would be there for a reason, but I have no idea what.
  8. The one that I purchased was being advertised as NOS. I can't tell for sure if it really is, but I'm probably gonna give it a try.
  9. Haven't re-assembled anything except for the main seal. I did, however, get a new throw out bearing with everything else just in case. I have done a few drag racing paintings, mostly as commission pieces, but none of them were from the Kettlersville track that I know of. It wasn't one I was familiar with, but looked it up and found a ton of really great photos. I grew up in more of a dirt track racing family, but old drag stuff makes for such great imagery. Thanks!
  10. It's the right way. While I feel like I should take offense to that, I've made those mistakes many times!
  11. As far as I know it is the stock 3 speed manual that came in all Plymouths from that year. Nothing about the car leads me to believe that anything was changed. And yes, the photo is the pressure plate. I thought that someone may have replaced the clutch/pressure plate from a truck or something.
  12. Thanks Don, I've got the gasket, I just didn't know if there was a plug that was in there originally. Flywheel is in good shape. I gave it some light sanding. I'll give those people a call about the pressure plate and clutch. Thanks again, Dan
  13. First off, forgive me that I'm new to all this. I'm learning as I go. Had a bad clutch chatter in my '47 Plymouth and am replacing the rear main seals and clutch. I ordered a new clutch disc from Bernbaum but the new one has a deeper offset than my original and doesn't seat properly in the pressure plate. I looked on the forums and for other online images and haven't found another that looks similiar to the one that I have. I am wondering if I just need to order another pressure plate or find a different clutch. The clutch that came out is a 9 1/4. Also, I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is any sort of plug or cap that is supposed to go on the transmission where it bolts up. I got a new seal and it has a hole around the opening and it seems to me like there should be, but again, I have zero experience and the manual doesn't show anything. Thanks! Dan
  14. Starks is the one! Their stuff is getting pretty well picked through or too far gone, but I've had some luck. If you deal with the ol' man, everything is $20. I have never heard him say anything else.
  15. That's what I'm looking for Don! I'm headed out to the old stuff salvage yard next week and I'll keep my eye out for one. Pretty sure the car I got parts off of last time was a '53 Chrysler, but not sure. This gives me hope, though. I live in Troy, which is about 20 mi. North of Dayton. Thanks!
  16. Thanks Niel and Al for the comments on my work. I did a good bit of searching and didn't find the answers I'm looking for. The two piece pulley I'm referring to is one that has the pulley part that separates from the hub. The hub is what is pressed onto the crank. Some of the later ones were one piece, pulley/hub. I do have a damper on mine that bolts to the pulley, but that's not the issue. Andy, The car is a '47 Plymouth Special Deluxe. I converted to 12V with a later model generator. The later gen takes the narrow belt, and I wanted to change the other pulleys in case I ever go to a alternator. Thanks!
  17. Just realized this is my first post and thought I better introduce myself. My name is Daniel Brown and I'm an automotive fine artist. I bought my P15 for some inspiration (or so I told my wife!). Here are a few images of recent paintings. If anything looks familiar, I have been featured in several magazines, but most are of the hot rod/custom flavor. I did have a feature in Hemmings Classic Car last year, though.
  18. I have a '47 Plymouth and am wanting to go with the narrow belt crankshaft and water pump pulley. My question is, what cars came with the 2-piece crank pulley with the narrow belt? I was hoping to leave the hub in place and just replace the outer part. Thanks, Dan
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