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50 Plymouth Suburban

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  • Gender
  • Location
    San Diego (North County)
  • Interests
    Life, tinkering on stuff, old cars, camping and spending time with my wife
  • My Project Cars
    1950 Plymouth Suburban (inherited from my brother-in-law)
    1959 Cadillac Series 75 (my "forever" project)

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  • Biography
    Careless Perfectionist
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  • Location
    San Diego (North County)
  • Interests
    Life, tinkering on stuff, old cars, camping and spending time with my wife

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  1. I was able to use the old ones after all - No longer in need...
  2. Yeah, I had to ask what a Trunnion was too. Best explanation I got was "it is the part of an older car's suspension that performs the function of the ball joints on the upper on lower A arms in a more modern suspension". It is referred to as a "outer pivot" in the suspension diagrams I've seen. Of course, someone in the forum probably has a better answer.
  3. Thanks All! Yes, I'll clarify with the shop, but I know some parts are bent and if I replace a knuckle I need to replace the other. The also said I need to replace the king pins, trunnions and one of the control arms. Here's some pictures. I'm used to working with newer old cars (late 50's thru 70's) and your knowledge is a great help! Thanks for your help.
  4. I need a good pair of "Drop Knuckles" for my 1950 Plymouth Suburban. Thanks!
  5. Hi All - My brother-in-law finally got his dream car a 1950 Plymouth Suburban he referred to as "The Hot Rod". He purchased an older restoration and spent quite on bringing it up to speed only to have a "little fender bender". (To see damage: 1950 Plymouth Body Damage ) Before he could get it fixed, he passed away, leaving his prized "Hot Rod" to me. I have already made some progress on the body work, but will need some advice on the suspension. The first thing I did is take the car to my trusted alignment shop and they assured me it was safe to drive, but did need the king pin and trunnion replaced. Since the car has been lowered, the stock components, particularly the knuckle, can't be used and both sides will need to be replaced with identical components.. (I will follow up with pictures.) Is there a place to get "Drop Knuckles"? Thanks, Chuck aka 50 Plymouth Suburban
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