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    Wickenburg Arizona
  • My Project Cars
    1947 dodge WC pickup


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    My Truck

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  1. Well how about the front axle castle nuts torque spec?
  2. Ok thank you, off to the store to buy a bigger hammer. These things are a son of a bitch!!
  3. I’m still having issues, there are some rivets that appear to be holding the drum to the axle flange. does the axle need to be removed, it doesn’t seem like that would be the case
  4. Thank you and I never thought about how the keeper key was positioned in regards to the puller. Good stuff thank you
  5. Thanks for the valuable information.
  6. Help please, I have removed the crown nut and washer form in front of the rear drum, attached a puller and tightened quite a bit but the drum does not break loose. The drum rotates easily so I know the brakes are not hanging up. Any suggestion would be appreciated
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