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Ray J.

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Everything posted by Ray J.

  1. Weather has been too cold to work in shop. Today was first day warm enough to heat shop and get back on the truck. strapped down front tires to keep it from rolling. Put on some old rims and put wood block under rims so I could get the jack out. Put my home built table in the back and used the engine puller to lift and slide the bed back onto it. Now I can clean the frame, install brake and fuel lines and seam seal the patch on the cab back. Then on to some body work and prime and paint. Ray J.
  2. Well after 2 weeks of a cold or flu I started back to work. First thing I did was turn over my nut, bolt, flat washer and lock washer cabinet. Over 9,000 pieces of grade 8 hardware to pick up, sort and put away. Cabinet is FIRMLY fasted to the wall. Just finished this today. Did manage to get bed mounts on and bed located where it will live and some minor wiring in place temporarily. Ray J.
  3. Thanks Kevin. I am using the ni-cop for all brake and fuel lines. I hope that is not live ammo. Ray J.
  4. Hi 47 1.5 ton I doubt that I will be on the road before June. I cannot shake this creeping crud. I want to get busy on the brake brackets and finish running the rest of the lines. Watched a lot of will it run on youtube and Castle on Prime. Gettin' bored. Best Ray J.
  5. Been nursing a back problem since 1-14-2025. Just coming around when the regular flu got my wife and me. Hope to get back at it next week. Ray j.
  6. I think you and I are the only ones to notice. His wife told me about the pedal mods. Have a great new year. Ray J.
  7. Hello Matt, They were cut and shortened by the owner who was 5' 5 tall. They held up for him 20 years. They will be revisited when I start my power brake install using stock drum brakes and a Ford booster and drum brake master cylinder. I am in the process of researching Ford flange yokes to replace the one on the e-brake drum. This will give me u-joints that do not cost an arm and a leg and hopefully can be adapted to the drive shaft and keep the one stock at the diff. Ray J.
  8. Thanks for the pictures. I got it right. Glad you also sent pix of gas tank bracket. That one had me scratching my head. also painted the last piece of floor board that I made. That was a challenge. I have a few parts that I will post in the wanted section in the future. Wish the site had a free section. I will post them with buyer pays postage. Have a great Christmas and excellent new year. Ray J.
  9. 47 1.5 I installed the pedals today Probably the easiest thing I have done so far. Plan on starting booster/master install next week. Have a great Christmas and excellent new year. Ray J.
  10. I think I figured the brake/clutch pedal fitment out. To all I wish you a great Christmas and an excellent new year. Ray J.
  11. Does anyone have a brake/clutch pedal diagram with all parts shown? My pictures I took so I could reassemble them was on an SD card which went belly up. Thanks Ray J.
  12. MBF and Rustyzman I agree. I did a lot of Chevy stuff in the 70's and that was so nice. Clutch fork was a piece of cake to reinstall with a new throw out bearing. Took me about 30 minutes or so to get the Dodge TOB to line up and go onto the tranny. Finished wiring the dually bed. There are a lot of lights on it. Ray J.
  13. Transmission is in. I went toe to toe with it for 4 hours. It wore me to a nub. Pix are of the all thread pieces I used to guide it home. Also finished priming the back of the cab where I replaced the rust. Back to wiring today. Ray J.
  14. That is some nice work Rustyzman. And that is an eleven inch clutch. If only the tranny went in as easy. MBF you are so right. You have to be careful when dealing with outside machine work. I thank the Lord every time I make progress. It is 31 degrees outside so no work today. Ray J.
  15. Thanks Rustyzman for the advice and pictures. I like it when people show ingenuity. I have a 3 foot piece of all-thread and am going to cut it up to make sliders for the lower 2 bolts as I am using the top 2 bolt ears on the tranny to lift it. I think getting the throw out bearing and collar on may be a challenge. Thanks again. Ray J.
  16. Question. Where can I buy u-joints that do not cost an arm and a leg? Yesterday I finally installed the new clutch disc and pressure plate. Tried to install the tranny but need to reposition floor jack from the side to straight on with the tranny so it will move forward and back instead of sideways. Too cold to work today and that tranny wore me to a nub. Ray J.
  17. You are so right about menus and icons. What happened to words? Delete, text, and send. Even with old eyes I could cypher the words. Ray J.
  18. I worked on computers since my first one in 1963 on my first nuke sub in the Navy. I started working on PC's in 1987 and ended my career in large networks. Cell phones are much harder for me than networks ever were. Ray J.
  19. Mine is a Samsung Galaxy S15. I like the way I do it so I can save all the pictures and the ones I do not post to my progress folder. Old coot things, stick in the mud and bone head. All wiring to bed is done. Ray J.
  20. I wish my new phone would let me make changes. EVERYTIME I change a setting it changes from 1 to 3 other settings. T-Mobile can change things for me without problems but a 30 mile round trip is not worth it for me. Ray J.
  21. I had the same problem. I loaded my pix from my phone to my PC and used Paint to resize so they are below the 3MB in size that P15-D24 website has set as the limit in size. Then use "choose files" and upload. Took every day off since Thanksgiving. Back at it tomorrow. Ray J.
  22. Hello MBF, what I am doing on in a hurry? This and some more wire pulling is all I had time for. Ray J.
  23. Was in a hurry. It will be cleaned before I weld it all up. Pulled al the wire in for bed and gas tank and fuel pump. Ray J.
  24. Been busy and working late and to tired to post. Exhaust is in, back of cab and floor are welded up, primed and seam sealed. holes where gas filler went through the cab and where it went through the floor are welded up, ground down and seam sealed. Bed mounts are made but not installed. Pilot bushing is replaced and clutch install is next week. Today is wiring up the brake, tail, turn signal and license light along with gas tank sending unit wire. Ray j.
  25. I finally quit agonizing over the t-stat and installed it. Today I wired my old distributor to the HEI module and will test later this week. Also had some exhaust pipe made up and will install it tomorrow. Working on getting it ready to fire up. Ray j.
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