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Oliver Klozoff

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14 Good

About Oliver Klozoff

  • Birthday 06/25/1978

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  • My Project Cars
    1949 plymouth special deluxe

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    Western Pa
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  1. How DARE somone be excited for something that doesn't meet your approval! I'll be sure to consult you next time I find joy in something.
  2. https://i.imgur.com/mWCgMUe.jpeg i was at Jerrys Records in Pittsburgh and saw this and HAD to have it!
  3. Yours is a bit shiner than mine! https://imgur.com/gallery/VanXtPD
  4. Do any yinz run an aftermarket airfilter? Or know where I can get a new filter? I've tried "universal" ones but they slip off bc of the flared top of my carb.
  5. So we messed with it a bit yesterday to no avail. Is this just one of those things that you have to keep messing with until you get it right? How tight do you tighten the nut before backing it off? Till the spring is fully compressed?
  6. A few days ago replaced the transmission and motor mounts..took for a test run and it's near impossible to get into second. Does the linkage need adjusted? How do I accomplish this?
  7. Yes! The other day we chugged it home and the gaskets were wet with fuel!
  8. It does not. We put on a manual choke cable. Also doesn't have stock carb. Has a Stromberg BXVD3.
  9. Yeah I hit it with some sanding blocks to knock off the scaly rust and applied linseed oil thinned with mineral spirits. Really added depth to the faded pale paint. I'm going to wash it again this week and re oil. Waiting on replacement drivers window. I took out the passenger and a local glass shop is making it from ¼laminate for $65 If it is indeed vl, my brothers thought was that once started, albeit roughly, and driven, the cool gas and air movement would cool the parts and return to normal running. We also found a broken wire in the distributor... no spark yesterday, replaced the wire. It could have been shorting or having poor contact causing chugging. More testing is needed.
  10. https://imgur.com/gallery/S36CQNK Took some pics yesterday, figured I'd share! Ain't much to look at but it's on the road! And I think I too am suffering from the vapor lock. Runs great for a while, half hour or so, shut it off, restarts rough, and lurches and chugs the whole way home. Going to install a 6v fuel pump, eliminate the mechanical one, and re route fuel lines further from the engine. Might stick wooden clothespins on for good luck lol
  11. I think I'm going to install a 6v fuel pump and re route the lines further away from the engine. My other option is a fuel filter with a return line, but electric pump seems to be an easier option May also use those insulated covers as posted above.
  12. I kind of have the same thing in my 49 special deluxe.... drive for a while. Park. Starts chugging. I'll be following this closely.
  13. Man that sounds like something I'd definitely be interested in. Easier to find filters and less messy then using a cough medicine cup to dip it out
  14. Had a look on wix, seems like O'Reilly carry them. I'll call around tomorrow
  15. "Yinz" is Pittsburghese, like y'all in the south
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