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fargorat last won the day on September 7 2021

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  • My Project Cars
    53 fargo


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    dundas ont. Canada
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    Sports, autos

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  1. jbneal, thanks for the info. checked into the aviation ducting and ordered it up and arrived yesterday afternoon. very nice product yup this looks like what i got yesterday, it is a rubbery type product with the wire inside and very flexible. maybe the more cloth type material is out there somewhere but i am very happy with this. ordered it from Aircraft Spruce out of Peachtree City, Georgia.
  2. thanks for all the nice compliments. yes very happy how it turned out. i say finally done but dont believe these things arent really ever completed. still need a few things like temp knob, the 4" fresh air intake duct. have the original duct but it has seen better days and not going on. after putting about 60 miles on this rebuilt motor im hearing a little tappet noise. they were set up cold when rebuilt and has just ran for short spurts over the years. will have to get in there and set them hot to try and quiet them down a bit. just want to break the motor in for a bit. any advice on break in period? was going to get to about 100 miles or so before i started pushing it a little bit thanks
  3. im about an hour from niagara falls border. yes that would be something we would be interested in. very doable. sidenote we have tickets to nascar race martinsville va oct. 31 and border is closed. fingers crossed
  4. hope you can see them now. not good with some technology. lol
  5. yes my apologies for pics. i just seen that. im changing settings and maybe take new pics. diehard dodge guys wont like this but i took it off a 92 blazer we had years ago. Indigo blue
  6. hope pics showed up now
  7. well after 10 years of blood, sweat and swearing i was finally able to take my truck for its first drive on the road in 36 years. it came off the road in 1984. Bought it from a farm in saskatchewan and had it trucked to ontario where i live. i received it labor day weekend 2011. with only having pictures to go by on the purchase it was amazingly complete. of course the usual badges and other small pieces that were picked off it i still had a good start to work with. a couple of years in and all apart in pieces had a setback with a head on collision while at work that delayed putting it back together. i was going to sell it a couple of times frustrated that i couldnt work on it. my son talked me out of it every time because he was a big help in this build also. glad i listened to him. lol. and of course other things get in the way. what i have found with dodge fargo trucks around here is that there arent any. lol. there seems to be a good supply of ford and chevys but not so much with fargo. i have made contacts on this forum that has helped locating that piece i needed. when i retired last year i made a point of getting this thing done by labor day 2021 and here we are. just installed rear fenders yesterday to complete. still little things to do just wanted to say a big thank you to the members of this forum for the abundant knowledge you guys provide to get people in the right direction. its funny that i didnt have to ask a lot of questions because the answers were already on this forum. and boy do i ask a lot of questions. some of you guys like pictures and i took hundreds over the years with things apart and back together and could have offered that to someone asking about something but i was broken into at my shop and got cleaned out of tools, computer, cameras. all pictures were on my computer. hope the bad guys enjoy the pics. anyways, hope the pics show up so you can see. thanks again Don
  8. Ok no problem, thanks anyways. Looks like you have a good template for future gaskets.
  9. jbneal yes if there was a foam type material installed in these trucks it makes sense that after almost 70 years it could have worn away. i had 2 other boxes to choose from also and when i removed the fenders there was nothing left to go by. the only remaining material was the rubbery type material where there would be gaps when fender is installed. hope pic shows up. i kept these pieces for future reference 20210825_060312.heic
  10. Billrigsby, thanks for the info. It pretty well confirms there was something there. Didn't think it would be metal on metal. Maybe some type of gasket material would do the trick B1bkeven, thanks for the link. Just ordered it.
  11. getting ready to install rear 53 fenders to boxsides and was just wondering if there is anything that goes between them. is it just metal on metal or what did you guys use, when i took them apart years ago i didnt remember anything except the the little duct like sealant that was in the grooves of the boxside. couldnt find any threads on this
  12. just wanted to mention what i did to fix the problem i had with the door fit that was having me stumped. some were maybe wondering what the heck did i do to fix the door fit because i never did get back. took all the info that was suggested and a big thanks to los_control for the measurements. it has been almost a year since i walked away from it because of work, kids and what not. i just completed the repair last week and it damn near made me sick grinding my new paint job. i ground off the weld at the pillar and floor and tightened down with c clamp to bring pillar against floor, measured and welded. when i clamped it brought the pillar back to where it was originally with a little persuasion to give me the correct gap. pic shows pillar is now against floor with a flush fit. door is installed and fits the way it should.
  13. You make a good point of removing the bolts. i am binding on the lower hinge. I was leaning toward a pillar because the measurements were not the same at each door. i did move the hinges to their outmost travel and was getting the same result. did not think of removing the bolts. cant get back to truck till the weekend but will try it with bolts out. i do appreciate the feedback i have received from everyone.
  14. I totally agree with what you are saying. especially convertibles if they are not braced somehow before removing from frame things can go south. saying that im thinking others have removed the cabs without bracing and put back together and havent heard the issues. or maybe they are just not saying
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