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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bradford Tennessee
  • My Project Cars
    1948 dodge B1B


  • Location
    Bradford TN
  • Interests
    Fishing,Hunting, working on the 49/53 dodge truck

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  • Occupation
    Quad engine bearings company

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  1. Was a nice find but you could get you engine rebuilt I seen some kits on the net for around $800.00 I will try to send you a link I will talk to you later bud jason
  2. Thanks no i am 12 volts but someone said you can run 6 volt on 12
  3. Where can I a starter like that and will it fit my 48 dodge truck i want to do away with floor start?
  4. Yeah a little more than I wanta pay for one I seen that one thanks
  5. You would think the one for my truck would be rare
  6. I had a truck had a radio in a 52 cab but it was not the right one some chopped the dash up to fit it I am wanting a 802 602 something fit my 48 so I can convert it to fm
  7. Wow they must be hard to find
  8. I also use truck bedliner I used it on my firewall and under the cab works well you may want to spray that rust converison stuff under it first than bed line it.
  9. I have a friend I think needs a 610t his truck is a 52 model he is on here name is Robert Thornton
  10. Hey Guys, I am looking for a 602 805 or whatever will fit my 1948 dodge truck doesn't have to work something low price if any one has one please let me know Thanks for any help Jason
  11. I thought about that and I need to do some checking on that thought about changing the back set on the wheels and dishing them in best i can meausure looks like the wheels will be even at the top of the front fenders.
  12. Thanks for the help I am gonna give it a try and when I get started on the project I will post some pics and info. Jason
  13. Hey Guys, Has anyone done a full size dodge truck frame swap? I am looking at buying a dodge truck a 82 model long bed with a 318 and auto trans, I know I will have to shorten the frame, I have a 49 dodge B truck cab and a 53 bed so wanted to do a custom truck with power stearing brakes and ect. and the good thing is the 82 runs and he wants $350.00 for it. Thanks for any help. Jason
  14. I didn't know they were that hard to find I got one off a 52 dodge That I am gonna use it has the flat place on the center bar and the mirror has a nut that holds it to the bar is that the stock one? Jason
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