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Everything posted by TimStatelman

  1. I've never grafted a front frame before... Did anyone do a write up on it?
  2. On my 47 Plymouth I would like possibly change the motor out to get more speed and get better brakes....what it my best option is it to cut and replace front frame does someone make motor mount kits and affordable front disc brake kits?
  3. Thank you I hope I can solve this problem
  4. I just put bias ply on for the look I'll def look into adjusting the steering box does anyone know where I can possibly find a write up with pictures
  5. I haven't checked really anything but I did notice my sway bar bushings are in really bad shape but I don't know where to get new ones at
  6. My 47' s steering seems very loose..just cruising around 25mph it seems the car sways alot and steering wheel has alot of play in it....any suggestions?
  7. Thanks everyone ill try to clean and re adjust my shoes because I do only have to pump them once
  8. I did try to adjust the drums but I'll try again I never worked with brake drums before and these just confuse me... I'll try some brake clean this week and hopefully it will help should I spray the brake clean on the lining direct and let it dry? Also I would get new linings if I knew a place that sold them
  9. I know my wheel cylinders are good I just replaced them but the reason was because I had one bad rear cylinder....there was some brake fluid on that shoe....is there anyway to attempt to get the contamination off?
  10. My 47' just keeps giving me brake problems... 1) sometimes my brakes lock up when driving at street speeds and car pulls 2) in order to stop I must pump the brakes...im certain that there are no leaks and no air in the brake lines (after i pump brakes and hold pedal it doesnt go soft)
  11. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v209/silentbob093/leak.jpg
  12. I have four pinhole's in my radiator on the upper part and they are all right next to each other... my radiator has a 16lb cap, is that too much? Also, do you think that its repairable? Thank you, Tim
  13. I have come to the conclusion that a brake problem ive been having is due to a no good retracting spring on the front brake drum (brake linings are slow to release) Does anyone know where I can buy a new one?
  14. I think my right rear is warped
  15. Thank you everyone....I my shoe is contaminated or have a bad drum is there any placce where i can get a replacement?
  16. Yea I just replaced both wheel cylinders and i have bleed the brakes 2 times just to make sure all air is out of my lines....does it possibly need a major adjustment?
  17. On my 47 plymouth im having three major brake problems... 1) is when i step on the brakes the first time the pedal goes down pretty far but if i pump it once right after it stays further up... 2) i have pulsation in my brakes which im guess its a warped drum 3) when i apply the brakes it pulls to the right... hope someone can help me Thanks, Tim
  18. After installing the new wheel cylinder should I bleed the brakes then do the adjustments or do the adjustment then bleed the brakes?
  19. Yea I took it to a local guy and he set me up...he trued it up and said it should work...I installed it back and it seems to be good so far, only time will tell...i figured its atleast worth a shot
  20. Just got it machined and it's so much better now
  21. Does anyone know where I can buy a replacement drum?
  22. Thanks everyone I just did one side and it seems that my tire spins free and then at every rotation at the same spot it gets a little hard to spin. Any ideas?
  23. Hey guys im a young kid here and dont have much experience when it comes to drum brakes. I currently had a bad rear wheel cylinder on my 47 which I just removed and now its time to reinstall it and re-adjust the shoes. I have the original repair guide but its really vauge and doesn't really help me. Is there a write up here or can someone type up the proper/best way to do this. Thanks Tim
  24. With the camaro rear what modifications did you have to do to make it fit?
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