Hi..I just purchased this 1953 Dodge and have a bunch of questions.
I'm located in Greensboro, NC. If anyone is local, please get in touch with me. PM me here and I'll get you my contact info.
1) Whoever painted the truck last sprayed over the 'vin tag'. Anyway to get the paint off and still leave the black paint that was original on it?
2) What are some good places to buy replacement parts for it? I need some interior components (handles & window rubbers).
3) Where can I find specs on the engine that's in it?
4) Trying to find out what the color options were. I think green was an original color. What color would the wheels have been? Front Bumper? Grill and the job rated piece in the front?
5) Battery compartment is rusty. Need to pull out the sheet metal and redo it in there (it's in the floor down by the driver side). The brace that holds up the running board right near the batter is pretty rotted...where can I find a replacement, or do I need to take it out and have some sections welded in to replace the rot?
6) On the dash, there's what looks like a speaker and a square piece underneath it. There's no radio in the truck...why is there a speaker? What's the square piece under the speaker?
7) Can I replace that oil filled air cleaner with a regular air cleaner...or does that oil serve a purpose that's needed?
Here are some pictures:
My goal is to do some simple stuff so I can get this on the road. My short list of things to do are the following:
-Take off the bumper & running boards. Get them blasted and painted or powder coated
-Needs tires...the ones on there are flat spotted from it being parked outside for 2 years without moving.
-I need to take the wheels off and do some cleaning and add some lube to the suspension.
-Interior needs to be cleaned up and needs a floor mat
-Wiring for the guages needs to be checked.
--The motor starts up fine. Needs a cleaning and fluid change.
-Replace fluid in the rear end...who knows when that was last done, right?
-Clean up the bed a bit. Probably just pull the boards out and clean them up...then put a clear stain on them so they stay nice. Change hardware to stainless while I have the floor out. Where do you get the metal slats that go in between the boards?
I'm sure I'll have many more questions as I dig into the project.