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B1B Keven

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  1. B1B Keven's post in Portland Oregon brake shop? Struggling was marked as the answer   
    Mixed reviews.
  2. B1B Keven's post in Reproduction Hubcaps was marked as the answer   
  3. B1B Keven's post in Bed sides at the tailgate was marked as the answer   
    They have the dip in them.
    Use 'ctrl' and '+' to enlarge the picture
  4. B1B Keven's post in 1970s-80s Book About Guy Restoring Pilot House Pick-up was marked as the answer   
    The book is still available on Amazon.
    If you click the 'used' or 'hardback' you can find the cover with the blue Dodge on it.
    Great read! Every time I get discouraged, I pick it up and read about him having to start the
    wood burner in the barn!!
  5. B1B Keven's post in Wheel Cylinder Removal was marked as the answer   
    You're on the right track. Maybe some heat?
  6. B1B Keven's post in Tailgate Chain Bracket was marked as the answer   
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