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    Chitown `burbs
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  • My Project Cars
    `29 A
    `54 Dodge Sierra hemi
    `56 Coronet
    `69 Road Runner


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    SW Chitown
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  1. Going out on a limb here, but it's worth a shot..... 1954 Dodge Coronet Sierra 4 door Station Wagon REGISTRY https://www.facebook.com/groups/872448589458696/?ref=bookmarks
  2. I've added a "1954 Dodge Cars" Facebook page, if any of you are on there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/851491261570939/
  3. I have a `54 Dodge Coronet Sierra 4dr Station Wagon....it's a 5" stretch...B-Watson, you're right on the money. 2dr Suburban wagons were sent to Mitchell-Bentley in Ionia, Michigan. The frame was baloney-cut and extended. The roof was extended above the front doors, the floor was extended in the backseat footwell. They used the 4dr Sedan front doors, custom rear doors, 2dr Plymouth quarters. This wagon is fairly scarce/rare: 1 of 1300 241 Hemi w/OD Any more info, pics of others, or for sale would be appreciated!
  4. I've always found the same to be true with all my Mopars...always went back with Autolites.
  5. WOW... For all practical purposes, that `42 Canadian Dodge is a Plymouth, save for the center grill and hood ornament. Bumpers, tail lights, trim, etc... I have a P14C, and have had a P14(Deluxe) as well. Both pre-blackout. Jim
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