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Frank Blackstone

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  1. Frank Blackstone's post in Fuel pump leak was marked as the answer   
    fuel pump close up.htmanother view of fuel pump.htmanother view of fuel pump.htmanother view of fuel pump.htmanother view of fuel pump.htmfuel pump close up.htmfuel pump close up.htmfuel pump close up.htmfuel pump close up.htmIn the P-15 triangular shaped recess of the fuel pump body there is a very small hole.
    The hole appears to be OEM because I did NOT drill it. During engine operation there comes a great spray of fuel. Bench testing confirms this malfunction. Manual does not show or talk about this hole. Why is it suddenly spraying" liquid gold" from a normal running engine"?
    Is it a relief port that operates only when something else is blocked?
    I have refrained from filling it with a pin or screw. Or JB Weld.
    Any thoughts about function, or blocking of hole or it origin will be appreciated.   
    View my picture of the hole                                                                
    fuel pump close up.htmanother view of fuel pump.htmfuel pump closanother view of fuel pump.htmanother view of fuel pump.htmanother view of fuel pump.htme up.htm
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