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  • My Project Cars
    1938 Flathead Dodge 3/4 tonPickup


  • Location
    Ridge, NY
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  • Occupation
    truck driver

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  1. The heavy oil leak is just below the front crank case pulley. Not that familiar with this flat head 6-1950 Dodge 3/4 ton. Is the timing chain cover and gasket above the crank case pulley or are they some how connected? Still learning. What would have to be removed?
  2. Thank you for possible solution. Leak just above front of oil pan came on suddenly. Would I have to remove crank case pulley, radiator and timing chain cover and oil pan to get an idea of where the leak is coming from? Original motor never apart.
  3. Thank you for possible solution. Leak just above front of oil pan came on suddenly. Would I have to remove crank case pulley, radiator and timing chain cover and oil pan to get an idea of where the leak is coming from? Original motor never apart.
  4. 1950 dodge 3/4 ton pickup with a flathead 6 cylinder with a serious oil leak from the front of the motor above the oil pan does anyone have a suggestion on how to fix such problem. Willing to learn. Thank you. Original motor
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