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  • My Project Cars
    1952 Dodge Coronet


  • Location
    Central PA
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    High Education

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  1. What is the silver box below the glovebox?
  2. Thank you. Will try that.
  3. Thanks everyone for all the input. I passed the info to my friend for him to decide.
  4. Ok thanks all!!
  5. Thanks. Any concerns about keeping radials on rim? I have read about a lack of an inner seating bead. And rim flexing causing hub caps to come off.
  6. Working on a 52 Coronet for a friend. He wants to put 205/75R15 Radials on it. It has BIAS 205/75R15 with tubes on it now. Concerns about the rims working with radials and not leaking at the rivets. We did get metal valve stems that work with the oval rim hole. If original rims are not a good idea he is interested buying new rims. What steel rims would work with the original hub caps. Craig
  7. Andy Bernbaum has them on there site under wheel section for a 52 Dodge. Problem being they are $8 per plus $3 per nut. Adds up quick replacing the entire drivers side plus a few that are bad on on the passenger side. Then again its the only source so far. Was hoping to find another source at a better price. Waiting to hear from the guy I got a NOS heater core from recently. Another option I guess is to do as suggested. Drill and press in serrated ones.
  8. I was typing on my phone. I check and update. Thanks!
  9. On a 1952 Coronet. A few wheel studs are stripped. Looking to switch drivers side to right hand thread in the process. Trying to locate proper replacements. I pressed one out on the front drum using a press a backing the drum behind the stud. Studs are non serrated. Closest I have found are Dorman 610-036 but specs don’t match up. Specs on stud I removed. Head diameter - .9in Knurl Diameter - .63in Shoulder length - .5in Thread diameter - .5in Thread length - .9in Stud length - 1.57in
  10. Agreed. We spent good part of the afternoon talking an he showed me around. Look forward to seeing him again.
  11. He is located in Western PA. Town is called Export. Ed Spiegel. He has a web site. It’s mostly a contact form. Busy but he does get back to you. http://antiquemopar.com/
  12. He had 3 or 4 them. I was in two buildings full of NOS parts from 1930s-60s. All Mopar stuff. Nice older gentlemen that used be a dealer.
  13. Thanks all. Picked up a new old stock Mopar 503 housing with heater core today.
  14. Thanks all. Going see someone that might have a good replacement.
  15. I have not seen anything on eBay yet. Shop said the core I dropped off was in bad shape.
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