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  • My Project Cars
    51 Chrysler Windsor deluxe

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  • Biography
    Just guy that loves cars and a lady
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  • Location
    Lewisville texas
  • Interests
    Old cars and bikes metal shaping fabrication
  1. I work for a high end custom shop my wiring guy is pretty bad ass I think as long as I buy a boat load of resistors
  2. M6 trans is the fluid drive? Doug&Deb
  3. I want to switch to 12 V on my 1951 Chrysler Windsor deluxe. I need a OEM wiring diagram to start. Anyone know where I can find one. Also how many circuits should I get for my new harness?
  4. Damn bro that’s some cash. So I got a 2000 Ford Explorer diff with disc on it and I want to buy the scarebrid front kit not sure how to make the master work with it. 51 Chrysler Windsor deluxe
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