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  • My Project Cars
    49 Plymouth Club Coupe...54 Plymouth Savoy Coupe

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  • Biography
    Mopar guy since 1979...own ONE vehicle that isn't Chrysler Corp, that's an International rollback!
  • Occupation
    tow company owner


  • Location
    Zebulon NC (near Raleigh)
  • Interests
    all things Mopar...typically muscle era, but recently acquired some 40s/50s

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  1. Thanks to all-it appears I may have a 53 or so distributor. Looks like Standard has my points. Now to find that darn beveled gasket that crumbled like ash.................
  2. FIRST OFF... I own an EARLY 49 Special Deluxe Club Coupe....VERY early production. As in, I have to ask for 48 parts to get what I usually need. LOOKS like a 48 still. So anyway, I'm thinking a later distributor has been used on the flat 6... (IAT-4101C Autolite). But every time I look up a set of points, I get a set that works/looks backward from what I actually have. Any idea what this distributor came from?
  3. Thanks to all who chimed in! That's what I was actually in need of-a diagram large enough to actually SEE where stuff goes. Should be able to fix it from here.
  4. Yep. I believe that's the same....... Main issue-I have a red wire that's still an orphan....is there one terminal that has 2 wires on it?
  5. Previous owner removed the ignition switch in order to get a key cut. When he replaced it, he couldn't remember where the wires went. Car spins over, but won't catch. I have actually heard this car run before........Flat 6/3 spd. Good 6v battery installed pos ground and turns over fine. Does anyone happen to have a diagram/picture/description of the correct position where the wires would go on the switch??? Thanks in advance!!
  6. What did you ever do about this? I have an early 49 and would like to get some NOS trim pieces.
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