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About Hounddog

  • Birthday 04/12/1979

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    Norman, Ok Micah & Mandy's '46 Plymouth

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  1. Well to pay off my divorce I had to sell my 46 plymouth and pay the lawyer. I was very sad to see her go and the guy that bought her looked pretty happy. I have since bought a pontoon boat because the kids wanted something they could also enjoy so now im on to boats for a while. Thanks for all the help you guys have lent me over the past year
  2. This one seems to be in very nice shape. I bet worth the money they are asking for it. http://oklahomacity.craigslist.org/cto/1039106243.html
  3. Ive been looking on ebay since I bought the car and have no luck. If you have some spares and are willing to part with them let me know.. I appreciate all the help!
  4. I have an extra carb that came with my car guy said he just bought a rebuilt one off of ebay...wonder if I should rebuild the original and set up for duals...or just an extra. It would have to be rebuilt so no help there.
  5. Hounddog


    I went to the salavage yard this weekend the only one that had a 46-48 plymouth and when the guy went to take the emblems off for me he snapped all the studs and all I left with was a ash trey from the back seat..Was wondering if anyone had any extra emblems the front plymouth one and the two special deluxe ones on the side they would be willing to sale??
  6. No the welds are holding at the moment its leaking somewhere in the honeycomb i believe. Ill start looking for a new one shortly
  7. OH man i LOVE babes i miss the chubby cheese and fries!! Ill have some when i go back for sure!
  8. Thank you for your help I wonder what pressure I should get?? maybe 5-6 lbs?
  9. Here is some pictures doesnt look stock but I dont know. wow those pictures are small
  10. Im not sure what the original radiator looks like but it seems this might have been changed and it has a 15-18 lb pressure cap on it the radiator hose comes out the right side facing the front of the car and the cap is on the left
  11. While calling around I found about every parts store has them and they run around 16 dollars.. not bad compared to what you can spend on a coil and the rest it could help not to burn out.
  12. Well on the front page of the web site it says that they carry parts from autos 1997 to present so I would assume they dont. Just call and ask would be your best bet
  13. well Im not sure if the horns on it are stock they are the snail shaped ones and the horn relay isnt seeming to work either. The horns do blow when I place a wire directly from the battery to it and they sure are loud
  14. Well after spending all day replacing the spark plugs wires coil points condensor and rotor. Noticed that the radiator was leaking it never ends. While looking on the internet noticed this website... Are they being serious??? http://www.wikihow.com/Seal-a-Leaking-Radiator
  15. I never thought of a turkey baster thats a great idea! Thanks everyone for the help I would never of thought of a baster.
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