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    Chrysler Windsor convertible 1947


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    Belgium. Europe
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    It engineer

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  1. hi many thanks for all your answer very usefull Now I know that it's un-presure system I will clean all the circuit, fill it with correct coolant added to anti-rust and will keep the level not to high ( mabe add extention to flush to the floor instead of the chassis in case of overflow ! )
  2. i ride more and more with my Windsor and i have noticed on the left front part of the chassis a big rust stain in fact it’s rusted water that come from the radiator overflow, seems a lot ! is it possible to avoid that ? Anyone have an idea ? I was thinking about a bad radiator cap ! without breading the chassis was recently renewed , and now it’s ‘red’ On that part ! thanks
  3. a reproduction anyone had tested ? https://www.ebay.com/itm/1940-1953-Chrysler-Universal-Joint-947550-for-6-Cylinder-Cars-FRESH-STOCK-/184283064776
  4. ? Thanks a lot
  5. Hi Mopar fans Once again ? I would like your advice ! On my Chrysler New Yorker 1953 V8 Fluid drive I have a Carburetor carter wcd 935s. It was "rebuit" with appropriate kit, but after this winter, it works very bad (too rich and hard to tune up ) I have found a New one ( rare ) But it's a 931 SC ! someone know the difference between 935s and 931sc and if 931sc will fit my NY 53 ? Thanks a lot from Belgium
  6. Well finally I’ve found that on a Chrysler shop manual about 1953 vehicules on C56 It should be Autolite Spark Plugs 4GS-150 maybe the reason why actual spark plugs 3/8 ‘’ reach. turn black after low mileage runs !
  7. First Happy new year 2020 About my new yorker 53 I have read on manual that recommended spark plugs are Autolite Spark Plugs 4GS-150 the one that were on the car when I bought it were NGK BP4 but there is a difference ..... AUTOLITE reach is 3/4" and NGK is .372" Does anyone knows what is the correct spark plug reach for the HEMI 1953 V8 fire power 5.4 L ?
  8. here is the one I'm looking for
  9. Hi we do it with my mechanic in a self garage the hardest think was to find old new stock parts, as rare but possible, satellites had 3 broken tooth all in red on the 2d pic was renewed regards
  10. Good Morning and best wishes after a complete transmission rebuilt I still have a noise near gear box it comes from the Front U-joint (verified) anyone knows were to order this hard to find part ? Chrysler windsor 1947 6-cyl Thanks
  11. blucarsdn I’ve just sent you a message ?
  12. Hi I'm looking for left and right sun visors and arms for my Chrysler Windsor 1947 convertible here is a sample at the seller place ! it disepears during the travel to Belgium ! any idea where i can buy these parts ? many thanks
  13. That's what i was thinking about .... Transmission relay horn relay is near the horn and radiator (on mine) Thanks
  14. Hi sorry if this topic was already discussed I want to identify the relay assy 21-80-1 functionality on the schema wiring.jpg I can't find it on the C38 Wiring diagram is it the starter relay ? i have some starter problems ......... Many thanks for your help
  15. I have asked the seller and here is their quick response Sure thing, we can give you the easiest way to set it up. Step 1: connect terminal A (#6) on your old voltage regulator to terminal B (#4) Step 2: remove terminal F on your old regulator (not needed anymore) Step 3: connect wire from terminal A to the output post of the new alternator This will keep your ammeter active as well as provide battery voltage for your alternator to charge. Thanks. Thanks for all your answers
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