Thanks so much to all you blokes ( yes I am Aus, Qld thanks Desotodav and Geekay, well spotted ? ). Followed your advice and I got the old girl going with the crank handle, ticks over like a clock, amazing really after all those years of neglect.
I have cleaned up all the earths and connections through out, got a good spark then a few hand cranks and away she went. We pulled out the starter motor and it was filthy so cleaned up contacts and expect it will be a goer now.
Now that we have it running I find the radiator is pretty poor, honeycomb style and radiator mob say it is not repairable except with some bars leaks type of product. New core would be about $1,200 and then it would not be the original style ( honeycomb), so there is a delimna. Everyones advice has been useful thank you till next time.
A couple of pics, fortunately we live in a dry area so not much rust ( not much paint either). Looking forwrd to getting her ready and road registered some time this year.