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About CreepShowCustom

  • Birthday November 14

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tijeras, NM
  • My Project Cars
    1950 deluxe.

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  • Biography
    Love cars and my family. First build with help from the fam
  • Occupation
    Auto transport / custom fabrication


  • Location
    New Mexico
  • Interests
    Cars, rock climbing, cars, family

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  1. I emailed him and he will not share any info unless you buy his kit.
  2. Witch rotor/hub are those? Part number or year/make/model!
  3. What top hat rotors did you use?
  4. For your front end the price of doing a disk conversion or rebuilding the drums is almost the same. I would look at disk with a new master cylinder. As far as steering junkyard a cent float RNP I pulled mine from a 98 Corsica but there’s cavaliers from the early 90s that have the same rack. Also. Once you get her running save your money and plan on a small block swap. You’ll pay more up front but as for as maintenance and repairs you could stop off anywhere and get parts for a SBC
  5. Thx. Just curious if anyone has a part number from any of the kits. I’m doing a budget build and making as many parts as I can.
  6. Thx for the feedback. I’m not using a kit. I’m making everything from scratch my only hickup is the hub/rotor
  7. So I’m body off the frame at this point on my 50 Deluxe. I’m swapping out the rear end with disk and would like to do the front. I know there’s a ton of kits out there but I do all my own fabrication. I’m a junk yard dog in a sense. does anyone know what hub or rotor hub is used on the stock spindle. Any help would be great thx.
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