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Everything posted by elane352

  1. Many thanks to everyone that replied. Edward
  2. I see that my shop manual indicates that the door latch mechanism is not serviceable and will need to be replaced if it is not operating satisfactory.
  3. Greetings, All of a sudden, I can't close my driver side door. I noticed two things: (1) The circular star-like mechanism inside the latch can be spun freely using my fingers. That doesn't seem right since the one on the working passenger side door jamb cannot be spun. (2) My door handle is extremely loose all of a sudden. So I need to address that. I have attached two pictures. I have been searching the forum. I have not hit on anything yet. I probably am not searching well. Suggestions? Eddie
  4. I hear you all regarding the photo size and camera comments. I should have thought of that. Much obliged ?
  5. Okay, here is the remaining picture that is small enough for me to post. Unfortunately the drum pics exceed the posting size maximum. Eddie
  6. Greetings, I wanted to check with you all before making a 2nd mistake. This posting is similar to my prior one (replacing brake shoes and wheel cylinders not realizing initially that i had a Ford rear end). Now I want to replace the drums. I ordered drums for a 1978 Ford F100 given that I had installed wheel cylinders and brake shoes based on that year, make, and model as recommended from this site. The wheel cylinders and brake shoes are fine. I erroneously ordered the wrong drums. I have a 5 x 4.5 inch pattern on the truck now. My understanding is that the 5 x 4.5 is typically a Ford pattern. What I ordered appears to be likely 5 x 5 inch. Now my drums I removed appear to have been painted. I cannot identify the numbers on the drums. The paint and what appears to be fading makes it difficult to decipher. I tried attaching 5 pictures. 3 (pictures of the actual drum I removed) are too large to post here. The remaining 2 pictures together exceed the max. So, I was only able to attach this one. I will add another post with the remaining rear-end pic. The drums I have are finned. The ones I ordered are not. Also the ones I ordered are shorter height-wise than the ones I removed. Any advice at this point on how to get correct drums? Is this a case whereby I will have to take measurements? Let me know please. Eddie
  7. Greetings, I have a couple of questions. 1.) Did a neutral safety switch come with a 1957 Dodge D100 (flathead six, manual transmission), and 2.) If so, where would the switch be located at? Background 1.) I rewired the truck using a Kwik Wire kit. 2.) I am no longer using the master cylinder below the floorboard on the frame. I installed a master cylinder/booster combo on the firewall. 3.) The Speedway Motors adjustable combination valve I am using comes with a brake stop light switch on it. So, I intend to use that. 4.) The Kwik Wire kit also has wiring provisions for a neutral safety switch. I have failed in locating a switch on the truck. 5.) My understanding is that the pressure switch that was on the old master cylinder (on the frame), in front of the battery (under the floor) was my brake stop light switch. I have not been successful in googling to see about some type of universal neutral safety switch that I could somehow mount in order for the clutch pedal to enable the switch. The actual clutch pedal rod is not thick enough to drill a hole within it in order to fabricate a chrome roller/something of that nature to press against a switch. I also have not figured out any type of bracketing arrangement I could use that would not look tacky. My thought was to have a switch inside the cab, near the pedal, not in the engine bay somewhere on the firewall. It seems important to have a neutral safety switch wired. However, I have seen search results of folks that have bypassed their switches. I would love to hear your suggestions. Eddie
  8. Hello All, I was able to put on the Ford 1978 F-100 wheel cylinders and brake shoes on both rear wheels from Rock Auto this morning. I did not have a problem with them fitting. Dave, it was interesting that you mentioned parking brake provisions. I was looking for them since that is the type of set-up I have on my 64 C10. I saw nothing like that on the D-100 and figured I needed to check my shop manual to see how the parking brake is set up. I have the 4 bolt backing plate to the axle which looks like the "Big Ford/Torino" style based on my research. I remember looking a few weeks ago for numbers on the housing or carrier. I did not see any, nor a tag number. I have some new spare drums in the garage that look like they will fit. I will try them next weekend when I return to where the truck is. Thanks again for the helpful information. Edward I
  9. Okay Rick; I will get right on it. Thank you. Edward
  10. Dave, I have things together this time. I removed the leaking driver side rear wheel cylinder this morning. Even after cleaning the cylinder up, I could only see one character. If additional casting characters are there, I am missing them. if you blow up the picture with the wheel cylinder standing up, you can see the single character. I am going to have to do some research to see what fits. If I go the Amazon right and they do not fit, I can always send them back with no hassles. I will measure as you indicated regarding the brake shoes. I did see the following number scheme on the brake shoes; 8P140842EE ==> at first I thought that the character after the letter P was the letter l. I think it is the number 1. 011311W3 I look forward to any comments you have. Edward
  11. Disregard my last posting Dave. I hit the send button erroneously before finishing up my sentences. I did not get my pictures uploaded either. I will get things right on the next attempt. Edward
  12. Hello D I did pull off the brake shoes and wheel cylinders this morning. I cleaned the wheel cylinder and still did not see a casting number. I have attached two pictures so you can see what I mean.
  13. Forgot to circle back and thank you for your insight Dave. Much appreciated. Edward
  14. Okay Ken & DJ, thank you and understood. Edward
  15. Here is the pinion end picture. Edward
  16. Good Morning & Merry Xmas! I removed the rear driver side drum for the first time since purchasing the truck. I was surprised. Instead of seeing upper and lower wheel cylinders, there was only one cylinder (see the attached picture). This setup looks similar to the one on my 64 Chevy C10. Given this picture, and the initial rear end picture, is it a definite that I have a Ford 9 inch rear instead of a MOPAR rear end? If so, how can I determine which wheel cylinder, and brake shoes to purchase? Thank you. Edward
  17. I do plan to remove the drums on Saturday when I am back in town where the truck is. I will respond back then.
  18. I apologize for the upside down picture.
  19. Morning, I have a leaking rear wheel cylinder issue. Given that I am going to replace the upper and lower cylinders on both wheels, I will replace the brake shoes also while I am in the area. Does anyone sell the remaining hardware pieces as a kit? I was able to purchase one for my 64 Chevy C10. I was hoping there was something similar I could use for the 57 D100. Also, I was toying with the idea of a rear end disc brake conversion. Has anyone performed one for a 57 D100? If so, what kit did you use? I attached a picture of my rear end. Am I wrong in thinking that it is 8 3/4? Although I installed a RamMan front disc brake kit, I do not want to do additional business with the RamMan. Let me know what you know please. Edward
  20. Great advice regarding usage of the D200 or D300 brake hoses. Their extra length will do the trick. I have placed an order. Thank you much!!! Edward
  21. Los_Control & TodFitch, Thank you both. I will look into this right now. Edward
  22. Hello All, I need to replace the rear brake hose. The description on the current hose is: "DOT - GY - 11/89 - 3/16 - HL." I have not been successful finding an identical hose. The Sunsong hose (#6222) for 57 100s that can be purchased from Amazon or RockAuto is not long enough at 18.5 inches to screw into the t-fitting near the top of the differential. I would need at least another inch to make my connection. Also the Sunsong hose's circumference is smaller than the hose on the truck I mentioned above. Here is the Sunsong hose item description: "DOT Sunsong SAE J1401 1/8 HL 2021 .06.30 11:18:17." So these two hose sizes are definitely different. That DOT - GY - 11/89 hose has been on the truck since I purchased it over 5 years ago. Any ideas on where to source a hose long enough that will work? Edward
  23. Okay, I will give the mallet under the lip a shot. Then, if necessary, some heat. Edward
  24. Greetings, I have removed the bolt that holds the top on. I wanted to change the oil filter cartridge. The round top is stuck. I tried using a long file, sticking it under the top's lip, and striking the top of the file with a hammer to see if I could get the top to move and pop off. Nothing is happening. My guess is that the top is rusted on. Before I damaged anything, I wanted to check here to see if there is a better/more effective way to remove the top. Thanks ahead of time. Edward
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