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Gregarious13 last won the day on January 15 2018

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75 Excellent

About Gregarious13

  • Birthday 10/23/1985

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Sunnyvale CA
  • Interests
    Leather craft
  • My Project Cars
    1952 Dodge wayfarer Coupe
    1963 Ford Ranchero


  • Location
    Sunnyvale CA
  • Interests
    Cars, beer, welding.

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  • Occupation
    Hybrid/Electric auto technician

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  1. I did find some NOS rocker panels for the Dodge on eBay. So that's two panels I won't have to fabricate.
  2. No reproduction sheet metal for the '63 Ranchero. That's half a used core support and half the original. I grafted them in the middle. Used fender apron too. That grill is a one year only grill. It was hard to find. I need a little Honda or something...?
  3. I know it's not Dodge related, but why I haven't worked on the Dodge is a while
  4. Unfortunately, no. I have been busy with the house and my Ranchero. The Ranchero was hit by a Tahoe running a stop sign. I just finished the inner structure repairs and now moving forward with fender and exterior work
  5. Talking about the car? I got it in Winters CA
  6. That would easily reach $1,000,000. Even close to $2,000,000 in the right neighborhood. It's absolutely absurd! I was born and raised here in San Jose and was not about to get pushed out by all the tech workers moving in, just wasn't going to let it happen, so I saved as much as I could for a long time. I also know the realtor and loan officer I worked with. Didn't get charged a thing for their services, which was a HUGE help.
  7. Nice! I will try to it out!
  8. We got in at $710,000. 800sf single family home on 5,000sf lot. Not huge, just right for two people with no kids.
  9. Thanks Wayfarer, that means a lot! We saved for years to get enough for the down payment. And buying a house in silicon valley is not easy. But now we are in! The previous owner saw a value increase of $500,000 in the 5 years they owned it. Let's see what happens when Google moves in down the street! We plan to be here for a very long time. Thanks, Greg
  10. We're mostly all settled in the house and I am starting to move the shop to our garage. Not enough room to park the Dodge in there bit that will change I the long term future. For now it will be under a canopy. I also will be starting a new job next Monday the 20th at the Hot Rod Service Company. So lots of life changes recently. I'll keep updating. Hopefully I'll have the shop moved by June. Greg
  11. Just picked up these from the local community college auto department. They replaced them with Chinese tools from harbor freight ? They are not allowed to sell them and can only scrap or give away. I know someone there and he let me have them. Three phase grinder and 55 ton press. Grinder has 3 new wheels, 2" wide 12" diameter. It will take 30 years to wear them out! Greg
  12. So... My wife and I just bought a house in Downtown San Jose CA. Very spur of the moment. Saw the house on a Tuesday, made an offer Wednesday that got accepted Thursday. This means there will be a little hold on the Dodge project while we get everything squared away and moved in. Stay posted, the car will not be forgotten. To be continued... Thanks, Greg
  13. Thanks! I will indeed be moving the shock mounts over to the frame. I am also planning to use the Jeep Cherokee shocks on the car, front and rear. The mount will be a little different than stock Dodge. Obviously I will be getting new shocks, not using the old Jeep ones. Greg
  14. A small but important update. I made the passenger side engine mount bracket. I'm happy with how it turned out. Driver's side is more complicated as I need to make the engine side and frame side brackets. Thanks Greg
  15. The flux core is much like stick welding, at least when it come to the puddle. The nuts are welded to the back sides of the frame brackets, just to keep from needing two wrenches to install the cross member. The load is still on the steel bracket. I may install two more nuts into the frame itself, as added insurance. Bolts and nuts are grade 8 3/8 -24 Greg
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