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1946 Dodge D24c

There once was a man named Ken Miller. He lived in the Pacific Northwest and spent many years restoring this car. He passed away at a fairly young age and this car languished on a curb, in the elements, for nearly 8 years  until rescued and resold into my hands. I don’t know if he was ever part of this forum, but given the sheer scope of what he did, it is likely. I have his notebook and I intend to honor the spirit of what he devoted so many years to. We’re bringing this old girl back to peak condition, with a small nod here and there to modern safety measures. She’s my baby now, but even though I never met him, he won’t be forgotten.

  • Album created by 1946 D24c -Oregon
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1 Album Comment

greg g


Very nice Dodge two door sedans are few and far between. Nice that you are honoring his commitment to its conservitorship.

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