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Fuel Gauge Working! Question about electric Choke


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Hey Guys,

While waiting for my spring silencers and Peg is sitting on stands in the front, I thought I'd attempt to tackle the fuel guage issue. Thanks to Shel and his accurate trouble shooting process, it was narrowed down to the sending unit. I got a sending unit from JCW a couple weeks ago, but other things have kept me from getting to it. Anyway, today my daughter and I yanked out the old one, attempted to follow the instructions that came with the guage(actually, after a couple of reads, they weren't too bad) and an hour later we dropped the sending unit into the tank. Found a little slack in the wiring to the sending unit so we were able to cut the old connector off and install a new one, made a new gasket for the sending unit cover plate, kicked on the key and YAHOOOO....the guage seems to work, although until we get the car down on the ground and check it out a little, we won't know how accurate it is and expect we might have to make some adjustments if possible...but hey, it's better than sitting on " Empty " all the time. Thanks Shel!!

I have a question about my electric choke. Now, Shel also described a procedure. Disconnecting the batt on the neg side ( saftey move), then running a wire from that post on the batt to the choke. Since I had the batt disconnected while installing the sending unit, I thought I'd mess with the choke...but after closer inspection....I see no wire at all running to the choke....but there is like a little screw hole on the top..or something that looks like a screw might thread in. Any thoughts? Cause right now, I don't think I have an electrical connection on the choke. BTW, after getting the fuel gauge to work, my daughter and I have now gotten everything electrical inside the car working....outside the car as well, except for the choke.

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Sorry guys, I just looked at a pic that Shel had sent me....a pic of the choke, and yeah, it looks as though I am missing the screw that goes to the choke. That's what that little hole is. I guess my question should be, where should the wire be coming from that goes to the choke.......I'll bet the answer is in an email I got from Shel, so I will check it out...but any input would be cool too.

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Hey.........thanks Shel.......Since the car is on stands, perfect time to take a look at the starter, just to see if there is any other wire coming from it to the top of the engine. I did notice that there is some sort of wire bracket, near or at the top of the head...but no wire in it. Maybe the wire was suppose to route through that loom. If no wire, you may be right, it possibly was not working. I'm going to try that test with the wire off the batt today and see if there is any activity. If so, then I will make up a wire from the starter to the choke. Man, everything just seems to be coming together. Thanks again.

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Well today I did get a chance to look at the starter, and there is no wire coming off it and up to the choke. So, I disconnected the batt and put some power to the choke and I got a " click"....so, I think it works...Looked around the garage, got my connectors out, found a screw that fit the choke at the wire mounting location.....then looked for some wire....nothing long or heavy enough. So, that inspired me to clean up my electrical connections box...everything in the right drawer and tomorrow, well, needless to say I'm going to stock up on a few sizes of wire. By end of day tomorrow I should have the electric choke working....and that was the last on the list of electrical items to fix....well except for the flakey door switch that activates the map light.

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Hey Thanks guys,

Picked up wire today...basic colors, red & black in both 14 & 12 gauge...figuring as time goes on, I will need to make other repairs and will pick up other colors as I go. I'm going to wire up the choke today....but being on jackstands, I don't think I will start her up.....no wheels on the front and just don't like to take unnecessary risks.....but once my spring silencers are here, the springs go back in..then I can test the fuel gauge for accuracy and make any changes and also check the choke. Oh yeah, and take some pics of the new stance.

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