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I have a spare 3 speed trans that I would like to get rebuilt, As some of you know the 1940 trans is operated by a cable, it has no rods. Do you think ashe could rebuild this trans. The reason I am interested in a rebuild is after I drive the car for 4 or 5 hours the trans feels like it has a little vibration which makes me believe that the bearings are getting tired, the shift action is good and it doesen't grind in gears. I wonder how much it would cost? I am interested in how much the shipping and repair cost would be? anyone know?:rolleyes:



Rodney, Only the early '40 plymouths used the cable system, the later models used shifting rods. My P10 came out of the LA plant in march, and has rods. Would be an easy conversion if you wanted, just swap out the parts. I don't believe there is any difference in the transmissions.

David Strieb


Hey David, I don't want to change the cable I kind of like it because it's diffrent. I got the spare trans from believe it or not from a p-11 I coupe I had from a local junk yard. I thought I could rebuild that one while I continued to ride on my installed trans. Have you ever had a trans rebuilt how much was it? I need to have a ball park figure to work with.:)


Rodney, My dad helped me put in a new syncro in my trans. That was 1971, I remember lots parts, espcially needle bearings, having to be put back together. Don't know what it would cost today to have that work done. Any standard three speed up to around '52 or '53 should fit your car, you might be able to run across a good one from a street rod someone's doing.

David Strieb

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