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I'm wrestling with rust-oleum and my fan now.

So you didn't like how your's turned out? How much different is the paint on N.O.S. piece after you cleaned it up compared to the paint on your fan? Is all the paint intact? Is that rust on the rivets on the NOS fan? Were the blades painted then riveted perhaps?

the new one i bought i had powder coated.

Hate :( is a very strong word Michael, and I most certainly don't hate you or anyone on this fine forum, or elsewhere for that matter - just to clear that up at the get-go.

I started this thread because I came across the eBay listing, saw the seller id and put 2 & 2 together. Then I saw the note in the listing about having a small block transplanted, and I thought....'well, thats interesting'. Hence the subject line of the thread.

I had been under the impression that you were going to keep your car stock, so I was slightly taken by surprise at the eBay mention of a transplant. You've now cleared this up in your following reply...

For what its worth - I think that is GREAT! BUT, I'd also have no problem whatsoever if you were going to do an engine transplant. I'd simply find it 'interesting'.

Michael, I can't control what other members write in response to threads, or how they come to their conclusions of anyone, least of all me or you. We all make up our own minds have control over our own actions and it is these that influence how others judge us.

If I am hereby charged with "opening this can", then I plead guilty and throw myself at the mercy of the court... "but, 'dem worms already be inside, your Honor"

If I held any opinion of you, or any other member of this forum, it is just that - opinion - and isn't for public airing. I'm totally sure that based on some of the dumb-*** questions I've asked since joining, there are some who will have me pegged as a 'bloody Aussie w##ker', but my attitude to that is what other people think of me is none of my business;)

For the record, I wish you all the very best in getting your car done, and in your quest for parts. I'd genuinely be 'interested' to see some photos of how its coming along - and I'm quite certain others would be too.:)

ok cool wee good now.

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