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I've floated this one past your noses before and am still struggling with a correct rwepair. I finally pulled my pedals off - one of the more difficult jobs to do on a pilothouse IMHO - that is, with the cab still on - and am truly puzzled.

Here's how things are. The clutch throwout bearing cross shaft sticks out of the bell housing about six inches. The brake pedal pivots on its bushed end on this shaft, and is provided with a nice greas Zerk, just like it should be. The puzzlement to me is the clurtch pedal, which also rides on this shaft. It, however, does not pivot on the shaft, but boves WITH it, as it engages and disesngges the clutch. An outboard adjuister collar with two set screws contacts the pedal ear on both sides. The pedal always moves with the shaft, yet it is at this point that I have the most wear on my pedal, at the eye that passes around the clutch shaft.

There is no zerk for the clutch pedal because it does not move on ithe shaft. The two pieces move in concert together, so why would they wear? My pedal had nearly two inches of side slop where it passed through the floor boards.

To further compound the mystery, there is NO bushing on the clutch pedal. The wear I have found is in the pedal eye, itself, and the area is all steel to my poor eyesight. The brake pedal has a bushing and a zerk, the clutch pexal has neither.

VPW sells a repair kit that in no way resembles what I removed from my B1B. A call to them reveals that their kit will NOT fit my truck. It shows a new clutch shaft through the bell housing and two bushings and two woodruff keys - nothing like I have found on disassembly.

This seems to be a great point of wear on these vehicles. I have seen some trucks with much side play in these pedals. Mine had nearly two inches of play - far too much to ignore on a rebuild, yet the hole measures only 0.020" wear in an oval pattern. By the bye, the shaft is straight 3/4 inch diameter, so bushings are easy to find. They must have seldomm ever got greased.

Havinvg said all this, I find no alternative repair other than to take the whole mess to a mechine shop and have the brake pedal rebushewd and the clutch pedal bushed for the first time. It must move on the shaft enough to affect clutch adjustment - that is all, so it should never move after that. Why these clutch pedals wear here is a mystery to me.

Any suggestions/ideas?


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