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Interesting pinstriping experience

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I had the tailight housings on my 50 model Plymouth Suburban wagon rechromed. They have three indents in them where originally they had red stripes. I wanted them to look nice and since I can barely print my own name much less stripe with a brush I started looking for an affordable pinstriper. I found Tony White in Stuart, Florida. He turned out to be an incredible striper and a really nice guy to boot. He even called me after the parts arrived to make sure they arrived and that I was happy with the work. I am very happy. He charged me a mere $25 to do both housings, not much more than I can buy the materials for doing it myself. If you need anything done along the lines of pinstriping, I recommend Tony.

Update 8-16-2010. Tony asked me to delete his contact info. Age and health have slowed him down to the point where he cannot take on more work. He's still a great guy and excellent craftsman....I wish him well!

Edited by Olddaddy
Tony is too sick to continue striping

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