I normally don't share much on here, I'm really a better listener, but tonight I got off with only 2 strokes on my Wang Doodle! Maybe I should explain, with the help of a friend at work, and some scrap metal, we made the 'Wang Doodle Water Distribution Removal Tool'. After reading the horror stories of trying to retrieve this tube from the block, along with a disastrous attempt I saw on Youtube, I was prepared for the worst. A week ago I sprayed penetrating fluid down the water passages to help loosen any rust. Yesterday I tried removing the tube just by pulling on the aluminum piece (aka the Wang) just by hand, nothing. Today we made up the hammer slide portion (aka the Doodle) and I got 1 1/2' on the first pull. The remainder of the tube came out on the second pull. WAHOO!!?? Now I do have to be realistic about my success, as you can see in the picture the tube is in great shape! Yes, Walter Chrysler was smiling down on me today.