So, here is the story so far
My Windsor does not shift up as it should.
i have read through several manuals about this and found out that i should test the wiring/connections with a testlight.
In the maual it says that you should connect one wire to the Governor and the other to the solenoid, turn on the ignition and then the light should go on and when you speed up the engine it should go out.
In my case the light doesnt even go on from the beginning. what is wrong ?
I suppose that it is the wiring, there are some old ragged cables.
The manual also says that i should connect it to the "red" wire terminal on the solenoid, witch one is that ? is it the upper one or the lower? i cant se any other colour on the cables then grease, dirt and oil... hehe
Could it be that my idle is not set right? i read that it is supposed to be set at 475 rpm, how important is it that it is exactly 475
regards // Peter from Sweden