For years people at a traffic light stop have politely asked these predictable questions, "Sir, what year is that car?" I answer "1947." They ask "Chevy?" I reply "Plymouth." They follow with "Nice car" or "I like your car." I say "Thank you." And that is about all the time we have before the light changes. Last night it was different. "What year is your car?" "Chevy or Ford?"
Sometimes in a parking lot when there more time to talk the car talk goes: "What year is it? Chevy? Bet its worth a lot of money!" despite the fact it is not a pretty show car and is definitely showing some wear and tear.
I enjoy the attention and like to tell people more about the car when time is available, it is part of the fun of owning an old car. But why do they always start with "Chevy?" I am in California. Is the question the same in other parts of the USA?