I have wrassled and wrassled this car and i just couldnt figure it out.
I've tried 3 different distributors, 3 different sets of points (1 new set, 2 clean sets), 2 different capacitors, 2 different stock coils...
and I still couldnt get it reliable. It doesnt make sense, its all simple crap but yet, she refused to fire off easily cold and never warm or hot. Leave ya stranded and was done with it and the light I saw was a pertronix module and matching coil.
I had another distributor so I built it on the bench, yanked the points distributor and dropped in a distributor full of happiness.
Its NEVER started so nicely, its NEVER ran so smoothly and its a joy to hop in and turn the key and KNOW its gonna start.
I am no way affiliated with pertronix and I know some will come in here and say you should of tried "this, because pertronix is the devil!"
but I'm telling you, there is no way I'd go back to points, when this module craps out, I'll buy another....wow what a difference it makes!
wooooo-hooooooooooooo so happy she is reliable again.