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About 46plymike

  • Birthday 08/17/1967

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  • Interests
    Designing- building- restoring - music
  • My Project Cars
    46 Plymouth business coupe- 62 Ford Falcon

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  • Biography
    Always loved cars especially muscle older stuff
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  • Location
    Pawtucket RI
  • Interests
    Hot rods ,music

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  1. Sorry,should have mentioned that is was a comfort zone. The cores hose connection were all mangled so I repair them by soldering new tubes from an old core I had hanging around. So i could heat and bend them to fit the existing holes but i dont see any evidence of holes for the 2 mounting brackets attatched to the back.,Thanks
  2. Hi all, so I purchased my coupe as a basket case. Cab, chassis etc. And putting together is a big fun puzzle. But sometimes a snag. The heater is a comfort zone; core ,blower assy. with the hose attachment piece. It appears to be missing something because it doesn't match up with the firewall holes and I have no water flow controls. Any insight would helpful. Pictures too. Thanks,Mike
  3. Thanks
  4. Thanks casper50
  5. Need a little help ! #10 black wire I'm assuming is power wire ,what should I fuse this at? And the speaker wires are brown and green ? And what's up with the braided wire ,looks like a shield? Thanks, Mike
  6. Need a little help ! #10 black wire I'm assuming is power wire what should I fuse this at? And the speaker wires are brown and green ? And what'
  7. Maybe! So from what I read the radio is a positive ground unit. Is this true? Has any one wired the radio with a 12v system? Seems just landing the radio in the dash will ground it negatively. Would I have to insulate it from making contact? Thanks
  8. Hi all, wiring the 6v radio to a 12v (-)ground system. Would I reduce the voltage with a 12v to 6v tranformer and just reverse the polarity on the 6v side of the transformer? THANKS, Mike
  9. 11pm! Where is Oz? Lol! So I pulled it apart and it has a few pin holes in it. It's a hard copper tube so that was an easy fix. I stuck the appropriate drill bit backwards for a backer and they soldered right up ,then shaped with a file. I think the real problem is that there is a seal that goes between the springs cup washer and the bearings hole . I'm going to try an o-ring ( Buna #110) let you know how it holds up.
  10. Thanks, Jim and Andy It doesn't appear to be the gasket/shims . I recall pushing a snake through the steering column to pull the wire through. In retrospect I was my own worst enemy. I created the leak . But it only weaped at first notice, now it's full on. Are there any replacement parts for the crimp or a better solution for hole repair?
  11. Ok, thanks. I have a manual but the picture and directions didn't address it at all. I will take note of break down . Thanks again
  12. Anyone have this experience? What is happening that all of my gear oil has emptied out of the horn wire hole. It just started and got progressively worse Thanks ,Mike
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